How about I take a break from Christmas decor for just a moment and talk about my Carolina gardens.
If you are a long time friend here, you know I certainly am NO gardener.
I do love flowers, and admire all your beautiful gardens, but I just do not have many of my own.
I will say, the few thing I have planted myself, have done well…
but this year, I am quite confused.
I walked outside this morning to water my cabbage and poinsettia plant…
Or should I say soup? Well, anyhow, these bright red leaves on my japanese maple caught my eye…
I tell you they were not there two days ago…
In fact here is the proof, see the branches here?
And see the branches here?
First of all this tree is usually bare until late Spring…
wassup with that? or this I should say?
This tree does not know what to do?
Our weather is warm one day, cold the next…
And my arbor is in need of a serious haircut…
it has NEVER looked like this in the Winter time.
I am not complaining, I am just a non- gardener in a confused state of mind, seeking knowledge is all!
So I leave you with that…perhaps you can tell me what is happening.
This year I have had the attack of the acorns, and now the blooming Winter trees and vines.
Have a great evening.
Almost through with my shopping and wrapping. Spend the majority of the day doing that.’
I feel pretty good about it, no stress here!
I feel pretty good about it, no stress here!
Newbie party still going on HERE
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