Last week was extra special for me!
I received such special gifts, that I would like to share.
Let’s start with the necklace, bracelet and earrings.
And for hosting that very special what can be yours
she gave me these beautiful pieces!
WOW the perks to blogging are amazing.
WOW the perks to blogging are amazing.
Not only special friendships, but special gifts on occasion too!
My husband really likes this jewelry and coming from a dude, that’s pretty good!
You can check out to see more vivid details.
Next up, I worked these new pink boots.
My friend Vicki from Granny’s attic, featured them one day on her blog, in a cute Valentine vignette near her tub, I know sounds strange, you had to see it though.
I loved em!
I loved em!
Never dreamed they would actually be mine to own…like who wears pink boots these days?
So I put together a funky outfit..(Dorky pic, I know)
Ok I do realize this sweater make the bootie enlarged…I never knew that til now…
Now if these boots could only talk…oh boy!
Cute can opener, coasters from the 50’s, and some fun bling too!
Thank you so much Kathy and Vicki for being so kind and generous!
Joining Pleated poppy for WIWW
Green top: Free people, clearance, that is the only way to afford their clothes.
in the second outfit,
Sweater: from Marshalls
Printed tee: Burlington coat factory
Guess outlet
OWL necklace is from a local boutique
Diy, thrifty home decor. Painting furniture, crafts, stenciling, burlap projects.
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