What is a featherhead you ask?

I had no clue until yesterday when I went in for a haircut, and my cute hairdresser, 20 years my junior mind you, had them in her hair.
I loved them, and tend to think I am cool and trendy sometimes, (cough, barf, gag)and felt I had to have a few myself.
Much to Jack’s horror, as he was with me.
I think the boy was terrified to see what his Mom was going to look like.
He was afraid of this…
Which, hey, may work for some, but a little much for an old Mom.
So I decided to get only a few. They last for several months, and you can treat them like your own hair, curl them, straighten, wash, hairspray, they tolerate everything but hair color. |
I loved these colors, however, there was such a variety. I may get JUST one more…. |
I went a little conservative because I was not sure what my hubs would think.
HE loved it!
When I mentioned getting one more, he said WHY not? Go for it, it’s fun!
Poor guy, he has been through so many hair colors, cuts, and changes with me….he just knows nothing to do with my hair is permanent…OH and I had perms too!
So have you seen anyone with them yet?
For more info, and a really cute video
Diy, thrifty home decor. Painting furniture, crafts, stenciling, burlap projects.
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