Vintage inspired bar stools.
I thought I would share with you some vintage inspired counter stools that I found on line, after searching for a long time.
I have been in the market for a few years for just the right counter stools.
I did not want the same ole same ole, and I certainly wanted something a bit more unique in style. I was hoping to find vintage, however nothing came up in my journey.
Leave it to my Mom to find me something. You see if she is NOT shopping for herself, she wants me to spend my money.
What I love most about these stools, there is some color…Red rusty seat.
Lots of chippy loveliness here.
Which is a good thing with my boys around!
You get the gist! You likey like I do?
Well, even if you don’t, too bad, so sad, they are sticking around for awhile. That I promise…even though I have been known to tell you a fib or two on my blog regarding decorating.
I had to share these fun flowers I scored at Hobby lobby for a little over two dollars a piece…
LOVE the colors.
They are paper flowers.
That’s all for today folks!
Have a good one!~
Oh, I bet you want to know where my Mom found these for me
Save on
I am assuming she was looking at Wedding stuff for my sissie..but she came upon these and thought of me too!~:)
Thanks Momma!
They were $89.00 each,plus shipping.
So, are they vintage? Usually it is easy to spot a reproduction, but if these are , they are the best I have ever seen!! I love them…What happened to the rooster checkered stools? Sounds like Mom is all wrapped up in the wedding, I know she will add so much and be such a helps. We all love weddings I can’t wait for those pics…ARe you in the wedding, I never asked?
Yes Carol, I am the maid of honor. NO these stools are not vintage but they sure look it. My checked roosters have been long long gone, I painted over those.
I like them a lot, Debbie….I am looking at some almost like them at World Market…
I almost did get those too Bj…but I wanted a little more color. Those ones are nice too.
OMG! I have not seen those before and I must say they REALLY look vintage! They look perfect in your kitchen. You have the BEST mom!! I wish my mom would shop for me like yours does. Ha! They match your scale too. Your flowers are also pretty. They are the perfect bright hue for your kitchen. I’m really liking this spree of yours!
I definitely likey like you do Debbie!! I was almost tongue tied writing that LOL!! Those are awesome stools, mom did good!! When’s your sis’ big day?
My sis is getting married in August Martina. I can’t wait!
Oh, I love those industrial stools, Debbie. That weathered paint….Yum!
Oh my gosh, I have been doing the same thing, Debbie. Right now I am in spree mode, too, and I have to stop!
I am done Kathy…as they say stick a fork in it. Back to being my cheap frugal self LOL!
These are super cool, Debbie. love that paint patina, love the industrial vibe!
Those are great finds!! Glad you were able to snatch ’em up!!
Those stools are great. Love how they are worn and chippy and industrial, too. Sweet Mom.
LOVE THOSE…right up my lil’ ole vintage alley! Keepers for sure!
Blessings, Lorraine
Your Mom did good- very very good! Arem’t they fun and they look great in your kitchen! Your paper flowers are pretty cute, too! xo Diana
The stools were on Save-on-crafts? I am on that site all the time, didn’t see stools. No painting required they are perfect for your kitchen.
Love these Debbie! They are fabulous and I would have never guessed they were “new” vintage…lol They are prefect in your kitchen!
Hi Deb! I was on the site but couldn’t find them even with the search thingy:)
They great in your kitchen and with boys you always need somethings durable, have a great evening!
What great stools! They look authentically vintage. They are the best reproduction I have ever seen! They give wonderful character to your kitchen! I bet they are fun to spin around on!!!!!
Two bar stools and a Wedding. Interesting, very interesting. Your momma did good! They look vintage, sort of industrial. Love the aged look for sure. How long before you spray paint them? I think we should take bets. I know there is money to be made on this post! LOL.
Noooooooo…that is what my husband asked me Shannon. No spray paint in the near future anyway.
Love em’!!
Debbie those stools are so retro! They definitely look vintage to me. I have enjoyed watching you change your stools over the years. I think these fit your style best from the others so far. Excellent find Mom!
OMGoodness Debbie, your Mom did good! They look great in your kitchen and I love your flowers from Hobby Lobby!! Hope you have a wonderful day, Gail
I’m glad you’re on a roll, because I’m stuck in a rut! LOL
Those stools found the perfect home! They look fantastic, Debbie.
I love those paper flower from Hobby Lobby. I bought a bunch of the curly q ones for my mantel. I had to stop myself because I wanted to buy every color they had!
Way to go Mom! Great stools!
Aren’t moms wonderful?? Obviously, yours is a great treasure hunter. I think those are SO cool and unique. They are just perfect for you.
I think I just called you cool and unique.
I think the stools are super cool and I think they are a conversation piece. Those flowers are a real score. I have to make a trip to Hobby Lobby…unfortunately the nearest one is an hour away.
Wow. I love those. I have been looking for something similar for our movie room bar without any success. Thanks for sharing those!
Those are fabulous Debbie!!
Debbie, these stools are beautiful and the perfect addition to your kitchen! I love the colors! And the pictures of your new flowers are amazing! I feel like I can reach and touch them! Very pretty!
I really like these stools. Very nice.
Those are AWESOME!! I love chippy around here too. Our house is hard on furniture as well.
Those are awesome! It’s so nice that you have someone else who “gets” your style. My relatives “think” they get my style, but not so much. I’m off to check out that site now!
Oh! If you get tired of thoese stools, do I have a home for them C:
I’m on a big clothes binge right now. Must stop soon.
Hi Debbie Dear! Your Mommy knows her baby well. The stools look like they belong in your wonderful kitchen! I have a feeling you’ll fiddle with them down the line! 🙂 You do fiddle so well!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia 😉
oh Deb they are awsome even if i say so myself they look even better in person love the foot rest part to and the color is perfecto .I will have to go to hobby lobby love the paper flowers .The girls can also type in stools and the artest stools come up .Happy spinning 🙂
Hi darling, shopping with your mother, can’t get any better than that… Love the new stools..
hugs ~lynne~
i just looked at the ones in world market they are more money and they dont have a foot rest 🙂
OH! These are the best stools I have seen, Debbie…and they are PERFECT in your space!! Thanks for the link, too! Lovely photos!
I love your new vintage stools Debbie! They look fantastic in your kitchen. I love Save On Crafts, as well. What a great resource!
Me likey too! They look fantastic in your Kitchen, the color looks exactly like the color on the scale, a perfect score! Your kitchen looks so “happy”!
love the new stools Debbie,, we built an island and stil havent found the perfect height stools. ARe these adjustable.?
Debbie they are SO cool! I love all their chippy lovliness!! They look great in your kitchen!! I wouldn’t have been able to resist them either!
Those stools look old, perfect huh? I say let mom spend your money, she dun good.
Hi Debbie,
I love your new kitchen stools. They are so cool looking!!!
Well, you really scored on those they are absolutely perfect!…I love them….
Great flowers too Debbie…they look super in that pretty pitcher!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Thanks everyone for the nice comments. My Mom is flattered to pieces!
I need those stools in my life.
Great find! I love them and I’ve been looking at those paper flowers~I haven’t bought any. I love yours!
You’ve got such a “good eye” on combining unique things.
I love seeing all your pretties!!
Hi Debb they are beautiful, I am in search of some two to three stool for my new kitchen… they are lovely…
With love
i just LOVE these stools! what an awesome mom you have:)
I do likey! They are fabulous.
Are they old or just made to
look that way? Your lucky
to have your own personal
shopper too. Way to go Mom!
I was waiting to see how you transformed these stools 🙂 but they are pretty as is. Love the design of the legging on this stools!
Awesome! Perfect for your kitchen too with the red. Mom did good!
LOVE the flowers ~ the colors are perfect.
Debbie, I am amazed! I thought they were vintage until I read your reply to Carol. Love, Love them.
Those paper flowers are so cute. We don’t have a Hobby Lobby but I am going to Illinois and Tennessee and they have Hobby Lobby. I am bring home paper flowers.Hugs, Ginger
Hi Debbie, if you didn’t tell us, I would have assumed these WERE VINTAGE. Great find!
I found them. They look great!
I absolutely L-O-V-E those bar stool. I have been looking for that exact style FOREVER!!!!! Please tell me where you got them. I live in Tracy, Calif and would be over the moon if I could find some just like them. Thank you soooooooo much.
I believe the link is on the post. Thank you!~