Welcome to today’s Winter January/February Knock off decor ideas party.
New to this idea….
well let me explain.
You find your inspiration from a magazine, pinterest, another blogger, or any other.
You then put your very own spin on the inspiration.
Scroll all the way down and you will find 40+ other amazing ideas.
Here is mine to kick off the party!
I saw this cute cupcake paper wall art, and figured I would give it a quick whirl. Had everything on hand, and how perfect with Valentine’s day coming up…

You can find cupcaker liners at the Dollar tree, they of course are the cheapest I have seen.
I already had the white little canvas boards, cupcake liners both large and small.
Hot glue gun….and BAM…DONE!
I did add a little extra on my board. I took a paper heart doiley and lightly stenciled the opening so the heart shape would appear as well on the canvas board.
I had a few faux cupcake accessories from Pier I…
to create the cupcake theme on my pallet.
Hope you enjoyed the challenge!
Let’s get this partay started!~
Let’s get this partay started!~
If you are new to my site…
my next Winter Copy cat challenge is on January 28th 2013.
This party is awesome, and you are sure to be inspired.
Check out my COPY CAT gallery collection for past parties.
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