Today, when UPS had a drop off at the door, I was not expecting anything…so I thought!
A few weeks back my blogging friend Gina had asked for my address…
She said she found something perfect for me and just had to get it….
Amazing to me that people actually think about ME, when they are shopping.
Gina has been a blogging friend since the beginning of my time here.
Her and I have a lot in common, and I am certain had we lived closer, we would be great pals~!
Now something I just ordered the day before yesterday…
did arrive as well TODAY…
you remember that Fairy Hobmother?
$50.00 Amazon gift bought us this…
Our pizza oven is being delivered as we speak!
Ya know, these do have my name all over them…WOW Gina, you are so sweet, and kind to think of me!
I absolutely LOVE them, and will use them all the time!
They are gorgeous and all corked in the back. Of course they came from
William Sonoma, so they are very good quality and will with stand my boys messes!
Thank You Gina from the bottom of my heart.
And thank you Fairy Hobmother for visiting me this week.
I’m on a roll…anyone else need my address?
Potpourri Friday
Show and tell
Flaunt it Friday
frugal friday
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