Do you ask enough questions or do you settle for what you know?
I have always been a very inquisitive person. I do ask questions, I believe that is how we learn and grow. I actually drive my kids crazy sometimes…especially my teenager. He sometimes makes the comment, like MOM you are asking so many questions. I think he would worry if I stopped. So the answer is NO, I never settle for what I know, because truly what do I know?
If you had to teach something, what would you teach?
Well, for me..I am not the most book smart kinda gal. I would consider myself street smarts, social smarts type. So I would try to teach people to me more positive. I think positive energy can be contagious. I like to surround myself with positive influences and friendships. If someone is constantly complaining, and feeling sorry for themselves over stupid stuff…that just does not fly with me! I am usually the go to person when someone has something they need to share or talk about. I like to think or hope I turned their initial thought process of feeling down and blue into a happy thought.
So I guess I would be more of a motivational speaker type if I had to teach something….I walk the walk and talk the talk……and I am not really sure how you teach people these things, so I guess I would have to study up!!~
Lisa Leonard giveaway HERE
You look gorgeous Debbie. Happy, happy birthday to you!
Happy Birthday!!!
Happy birthday, Debbie!! I hope you have a wonderful day, and celebrate many more birthdays! ♥
Wow,a mom at sixteen…how scary that must have been for your mom.
I'm so glad everything worked out well for the two of you.
Hope you're having a great week! I'm sure you have a lot on your mind with what's coming up!! 🙂
In my loudest singing voice!!!Happy Birthday To You, Happy Birthday To You, Happy Birthday Dear Debbie, Happy Birthday To You!! Cheers to the next 45 years!! QQQ
Happy Birthday Debbie!!! Here's to many, many more:)
I'm not a question asker, I worry too much about prying. My MIL is a huge question asker, sometimes my FIL gives her this look that just says "Stop already!". She goes to the grocery store and comes home with someone's entire life story lol.
Wow, your mom was a teen mom! I'm glad she had you too and obviously did an awesome job raising you:)
If I had to teach something it would be grammar. I cringe hearing "I shoulda went" instead of "I should have gone"…uggghhhh!
Happy Birthday Beautiful Debbie!!!
Happy Birthday to a wonderful lady! I hope you have a great day and a wonderful year!
I love the new color in your bedroom! Blue is one of my favorite colors.
Happy Birthday, Debbie! You look fabulous! I hope you have a great day, and party hearty 😀
Happy Birthday – so fun to have found your blog on your big day to join in the well wishes. Will be back for sure.
Make a goal to learn something new everyday. So asking questions is a natural.
Have a wonderful day and drop over and say hi at my blog some time.
HAPPY Birthday, Debbie! I hope it is WONDERFUL!
I am constantly asking questions and learning~ I think you gain true wisdom when you finally realize how little you know…
I think the teaching is constant as well…we all teach and learn everyday!
Happy Birthday Debbie 😉
Happy Happy Birthday, my friend!! Your mom did a fantabulous job!
Have a super day!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy birthday sweet girlfriend! And you happy disposition has certainly kept you YOUNG! You always inspire me and keep me on my toes! You always have new ideas…and you act on! Let's have a party today and CELEBRATE! Debbie Doo is our birthday girl! HAVE FUN! Eat some cake for me! ♥♥♥ If I could teach…it would be to love poetry, music…and crafts! Get some paper and glue..fabric and thread and MAKE something! heehee! ♥ Enjoy your DAY, sweet friend! ♥♥♥
Wow birthday girl, have you ever had your birthday on Easter? Have a wonder day…you are a bright spot in my Day everyday!
Happy Birthday! You look great and some that can be attributed to your positive attitude! Have a great day!
hugs, Linda
Happy Birthday!
I don't ask a lot of questions, but I am a life time learner. I love to read, and google things to learn more.
Teaching isn't really my forte. I know what I know, but ask me to teach an actual live person and I get frustrated when they don't get it right away. I don't have the patience to teach. Back in highschool part of being in the National Honor Society at our school involved tutoring other students. I was taking calculus as a junior so "they" thought I should tutor math, but that was a miserable failure. After hearing me semi-shouting, "What do you mean why, it's a basic math rule, how did you ever pass Course 1 if you don't get basic algebra? You're a sophomore, really, this is 7th grade math!" the powers that be decided I should try tutoring french. Imagine the above repeated with conjugating avoir.
I'm slightly more patient with my own children, because I have to be.
Happy Birthday Debbie, and no, you don't look 45 – to me that's still a baby. I hope you have a wonderful day and celebrate your blessings. Peggy
Happy Birthday – may your day be filled with sunshine, laughter and love!
Happy Birthday Debbie!! Wow, sixteen…that's amazing. I am definitely someone who isn't afraid to ask questions if I don't understand something. As far as what I would teach if I HAD to teach…it would probably be tennis. I am still a competitive, ranked tennis player and still love playing. My daughter is on a pro-track right now and I often think if we move to Florida at some point for her, I would consider teaching tennis. Wow…you find out more and more about me each time you host one of these, right?
Happy Birthday Debbie! Hope it is a wonderful day. I would sing… but it is kind of scary 😉
What would I teach? Well it wouldnt be to sing 😉
It would probably be something useful, like grammar or typing, how to use a computer.
Happy, Happy Birthday to YOU!!!!
(You young thing, you:)…
I am trusting for a very special day for you…you, who always brighten the day of so many blog girlfriends….
Go ahead & embrace 45….
Happy Birthday Debbie!! I hope you have a great day!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! You look beautiful and young to me! I hope that you have a great day!!
Happy birthday, Debbie! I tend to forget how old am I (I'm not kidding, I think I'm 43, or maybe I'm going to turn 43… not sure). I am know amongst my friends and family as someone who listens well and gives out sound advice. I can always see all sides of a problem or situation. If I could teach people something, I think it would be to try to see 'Life' through the eyes of other people. I think that approach to life leads to selflessness, compassion and understanding. Sorry… I write too much- I also tend to talk too much! Have a wonderful birthday!!
Have a wonderful day! I read just recently that we should give our mom's a gift on our birthday's, I thought that was pretty interesting. Your mom must be an amazing woman.
I am a teacher, I love it, so I guess I'm where I'm supposed to be!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY my friend! Your mama did good in raising a whole bunch of sweetness!! Martina
Debbie you and Savannah Granny both have birthday's.Yall both are two amazing women!!
So glad to call yall friends!
And really excited to have met yall thru blog-land.
We're all having fun,and more,more to come.
I hope your day is filled with blessings and it is a day to remember forever.
Happy Birthday Debbie!!!We still need to get together!!!No, you do not look 45 at all! You give me hope! My mom had me at 17. Can you imagine having a child that young. I can't. I hope you have a wonderful day my friend!
Happy Birthday to you…Happy Birthday to you…Happy Birthday Dear Debbie Doo….Happy Birthday to you!
Oh Happy Birthday Debbie!! You are gorgeous, and your mom is an incredibly beautiful lady too:-)
Happy Birthday Debbie! Great post – it's so important to keep learning everyday!
Happy Birthday Debbie! I hope you have an absolutely fantastic day!
~ Tracy
Happy Birthday, Debbie Dear! And no, honey, you do not look 45! You're a doll! Bless you mama's heart! I know that was hard because I was a mama at 17. My son and I kinda grew up together, as he says, and my husband says he taught me everything! 🙂
You are a very positive energetic gal and I love it. In my opinion, book smarts don't always make the most educated person. Lots of book smart folks just don't have any common sense! 🙂
Have a wonderful day, sweetie,
Shelia 😉
♫Happy Birthday♫ I know what you mean about not feeling your actual age! That is a very good thing. I taught young nurses for years and enjoyed it a lot. Now I think I would enjoy teaching about wellness, nutrition, and maybe cooking. ♥O
I hope you have a very happy and BLESSED birthday Debbie! Make a good wish when you blow out your candles.
Happy Birthday and what a wonderful story about your mom's choice for life. And NO you do not even look like you are in your 40s. Good genes you've got babe!
Happy Happy Birthday to the sweetest, most caring, beautiful lady I know! My mama had me when she was 16 too! Its been wonderful having a mama to grow up with. We are best friends, shopping buddies and share all our secrets! Tell your sweet mama she did a great job.
Wishing you many many more wonderful Birthdays! Hugs, Vicky
Happy Birthday my sweet friend..Girl I was a mama at 15 so I know what your mama went through..Hope this is the best BD forever for you darlin..Hugs and smiles Gloria
Happy, happyssimo birthday! (btw, 45 is the new 25, I know better ehehe)
and onto your post: i'm a curious person and always like to explore. I'm so glad we are in the www era and everything is easy accessible! have fun partying today!!
Happy Birthday Debbie! Have a great day!
Mmmmmmmm. I'd say enquiriey minds want to know. And I'd probably teach everything I know about colors and mixing and dyeing and hooking and creating joy in life and finding your nitch.
Sorry, I've been soooooo relaxed poolside on this trip. Don't want to miss one part of being outside after the long winter.
Oh, wait I see birthday wishes from the g.b. are needed too.
Debbie there was never ever a thought of not haveing you the day you looked onto my face was the best day of my life .And i can not say how proud of you iam and no you dont look 45 you will forever and always be my baby.Now with that being said age is only a no i for one will stay forever young in my head lol .and yes i ask a lot of ?s how can you learn anything if you dont .Not to be nosey just because things interest me .Have a wonderful day wish i was there love Moma hugs xxxxoooo 🙂
Happy Birthday Debbie! You are one of the most beautiful, hip, funky, groovy, have it together, got it going on- 45 year old that I know! Your husband and children are blessed to have you and your mom has to be amazing because she raised a fabulous daughter! I hope you get to celebrate "YOU" in a big way today.
Happy BIrthday Debbie!!!
Well, Happy Birthday Crazy!!
I love what you said today…….I think it is so important to have "positive" everything in your world!
I think I speak for us all, we love your blog, your humor, and you, gurl friend!!
Have a great day!!!
Awwwww you're a spring pup Debbie! And you look like a youngster too *winks*
No I don't ask enough questions based on results. It's a fine line though between lerarning what you want to know and being intrusive kwim?
And hmmmm I would want to teach young people to invest EARLY!If I'd only known that 2k invested at 18 would make me a millionaire at 40? I would've jumped on that bandwagon MUCH earlier.*winks* Vanna
Hallllloooo- Happy 45th Birthday! Who is that young person inhabiting your body? That's what I want to know!
I NEVER settle for what I know. I could have been a perpetual student..I love learning new things and I always want to know the WHY and HOW of situations. Hmmmm…I guess in SOME cases that would be identified as being NOSY! lol
If I could I would do motivational teaching on the art of kindness. I think it is way underrated. When people are kind to one another there are many, many petty things that just fall by the wayside and do not matter. It builds people up instead of tearing them down with negativity. I think that is what I would like on my tombstone (awful thought, huh)…She was kind to all she knew! Remember that in case MyHero ever asks! xxooo Diana
ps….Love the coffee talks-gets right to the heart of things! xxoo Diana
Oh, I get to follow your momma! Yeah! There is nothing better in the world than being a mom, it's obvious that she feels that way about you. Happy Birthday, Debbie!
If I had to teach, I would teach sewing. I love to sew and I think you should only teach what you love.
Hi Debbie,
Happy Birthday! Oh, I hope it is a wonderful day for you–I just KNOW it will be!!!
What an awesome mom you must have~and she must have done everything right because you grew up to be not only a happy person–but a light to others!
Happy Birthday! I'm with you. Can't take constant complaining either.. it's such a debbie downer thing to to and just sucks the life out of those around us.
Well HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! May it be the best ever!
I went back and added your button to my newbie post. Thanks
Happy Happy Birthday! I ask a ton of questions too & my family makes fun of me. Whatever. I don't screw up stories because I have all the info.
Happy, happy birthday sweet Debbie! Loved reading your words about your mom. What a courageous young woman she must have been; and what a beautiful daughter she raised. Here's to many, many, many more years of birthdays!
Happy Birthday !!
Happy birthday – five years older than me – you look fabulous.
I would be a art or photography teacher.
Happy Birthday! I would love to teach life lessons. I guess I do when I share life stories with friends and co-workers.
Happy Birthday! And kudos to your mom. 16! wow.
Lets see, questions YES! ASK! But don't just ask with words – ask with your eyes – what do you see? ask with your mouth, how does it taste? – ask with your nose – what do you smell? See, Taste, Smell, Touch do it all! What do I teach? I think my goal (not necessarily what I teach daily but I try) is that life is about living. Get out there! TRY it! Do it! see what happens. 🙂
I hope you've had a great day so far! I am really glad your MOM was so courageous to have you. You are a joy to everyone you meet and a motivational speaker would be great for you. I tend not to ask many questions because I am usually too busy listening and processing what others have to say. There's always much to be learned by how and what people say when you really slow down and listen, though sometimes you do have to ask alot of questions to get there. LOL! I would teach compassion and empathy hands down, something our world really needs quite a bit more of!
Happy Birthday Spring time Baby!!!God Bless you!!!
Happy Birthday Debbie!! Turkey neck?? Why should you be concerned about that. Women don't get turkey necks until they are 80 at least and then we will just wear scarves. Your mom was a brave young woman to raise a baby at 16. She sounds like a great lady!
Now about those questions … I never stop asking questions. My third grad teacher was so exhausted by my questions that she complained to my parents about me during a parent/teacher conference. What would I teach? Probably math. In fact I did teach math to first primary students at the Sacred Heart School in Bahrain. Have a wonderful birthday and give your mom a hug from me.
Susan and Bentley
Happy Birthday Debbie! I hope it's a wonderful one!
Question #1…I definitely do not ask enough questions! I am forever walking away from someone wishing I knew the answer to this or that. Or later I think of 100 questions I should have asked at the time.
Question #2…since I spend my days helping teach 4th & 5th graders, I think I'm all taught out! LOL No actually, since I'm the "mother" of the group (the 2 teachers I teach with are not mothers yet) I feel that I teach school subjects & then I throw in a little mother's wisdom. I think I'd like to just teach life lessons only. That'd be fun!
Happy birthday Debbie. I am inquisitive as well – a wonderful trait to have!
Happy Birthday Debbie! I hope you had a wonderful birthday! It's been ages, hope all is well!
Lucky 7 Design
Happy Birthday Debbie! I hope you had a wonderful birthday! It's been ages, hope all is well!
Lucky 7 Design
What a great age! I just turned 45 on March 21st! Happy Birthday to you! I'm a day late and always a dollar short but better late than not at all!! Hope you had a wonderful day!
Hi Debbie, first Happy belated b-day…I thought i was waaay older than u, lol. jk, im 46 and thought u were alot younger than me, not sure what i based that on, lol, maybe i shoulda asked more questions…What would i teach? Well besides my dream of opening a safe driver training school, ide have to answer that question with, im already a teacher. I strive in my everyday dealings and conv with ppl, wheather via in person, internet, text, or ph, to let my words(even when im being funny) teach. Not sure if ya knew it or not, but im an adoptive mother, Mr. Romantic and i , along with our Nate often speak at CHS(Children's Home Society)in an effort to teach other prospective couples about all the ins and outs of open, inter-racial adoption. We have an ongoing, completely open relationship with out birthmom, …I think it awesome that u have such a great relationship with ur mother, and that she, with all she musta faced as a teen mom, chose to raise u. But there are teen moms out there who make a different decision, and for them that decision can be equally rewarding……..Im always an open book on this subject, didnt mean to ramble on… if anyone has any questions for me, Im really and willing to teach,from my own book of experience………Bonnie
I missed your birthday! What a cad I am!! I am so sorry so here it is your belated – HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! You are amazing! I will be turning 45 in December and I have to admit I am little concerned that this may be the birthday that freaks me out a bit I was excited for 40 but 45 seems scary, so tell me, how is 45? Again Happy, Happy Birthday!
Happy belated Birthday Debbie!
I ask a LOT of questions, BUT only if I have an overwhelming need to know, and I feel like it's not a huge imposition. So…I'm highly inquisitive and timid at the same time 😐
About the teaching – I've taught all kinds of software apps in my former life as a LAN Adminstrator, but even with 10 years in the computer field, and being certified by Microsoft, I still have so much to learn here in bloggy-land. Thanks for all your help!!!
Happy Birthday you hot momma!!! I am glad your mom made that decision too, and the world is enriched because of it!!!-Love you!
As to your questions, my motto is Question everything!
And I would teach awareness.