All things spray paint home decor projects
Hi there friends!~
Not sure if you are a big fan of spray paint or not. Let me tell you, I have had many of days and nights spent with a spray paint can. Not always a pleasant experience.
Like the time my husband ran over a red can of spray paint in the garage. NOT a good day.
Or the time I spray painted a garden shelf..with tarp down on my deck on a really windy day. I suppose after all these years two incidences aren’t so bad.
Today the All things Create team has over 90+ All things spray paint home decor projects
No matter what, at the end of the day, I still love a good can of spray paint.
Thank you for your visit today!
I share all things, thrifty home decor, crafts and a recipe or two on occasion.
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I have to say I love spray painting objects and making them new again! We painted some nice mason jars for my daughters wedding last year. Love all of these ideas! Yikes – That garage accident must have been an awful mess!