Happy almost New Year!
I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas!
We sure did a lot of eating, laughing and lounging around together.
It’s always fun to go back into our archives and reflect on our past projects.
Today, I am choosing to share some of what my readers and friends thought were the best, or at least made for a lot of comments. Not necessarily the best, but some that caught your attention anyway.
I am glad I get to refresh these, because some of my comments were lost with my transfer over to word press last Spring.
First up…..
my repurposed door mat
which was initially inspired by a blogging friend
This was in January 2012..and it is still holding up fantastic.
No paint chipping or air flow problems. I do remove it to clean the dust.
February came and I started getting into a lot of Valentine crafting…
I really loved these watermelon spray painted mason jars,and so did you.
I plan on doing the same this year…perhaps I have improved.
March 2012, is when I moved over to Word press…
and to be honest,
it was a
BAD month for me.
Everything was messed up…and I was a bit stressed.
All is good now, and I do in fact Love word press.
Still learning the ropes.
Our Spring front porch looked cute though,
so I guess that is all that mattered.
April was looking real good.
It’s also my birthday month so that always puts me in the spirit.
I really loved this thrift chair store makeover…
and a lot of diy thrifters and painters enjoyed it as well.
One of my biggest projects for 2012 was
our laundry room makeover
And sometimes…
decorating and hanging things in your window…
can be a real hit!
For instance, these vintage tea cups hanging in our kitchen window were a real wow!
I always say it’s the little things in life.
May came, and Mike and I celebrated our Anniversary,
and it is also Jack’s birthday. So we have a busy month.
Not to mention
that is when I start to try attempt being a green thumb.
My window boxes and outdoor Carolina gardens starting looking real good…
for about a month…
When the roosters starting talking
I knew there was a problem…
Everything in site was getting a stencil or painted around here.
This lazy susan never had a chance!
The biggest project as far as pins and what people really loved….
are these diy no sew burlap valances.
At about this point Summer is in full swing here in the Carolina’s!
It is HOT, HOT, HOT!
we do try to enjoy our Summer Front porch,
and of course our backyard area with the diy Pizza oven
I have to say though the highlight of 2012
was my sisters Vintage wedding.
Most everything was a diy, and inspired by pinterest pins.
You can check out my pinterest account and see Angela’s wedding.
Before you know it, Fall comes a knockin on our door…
This past November I decided our pie safe was in much need of a makeover.
I must say, I am pretty happy with the end result and think I need to paint furniture more often.
This past Fall Shannon, Jessica and I decided to hold our first primp your pumpkin party
and we were floored to see over 200 ways to Primp your pumpkins.
November comes and goes so fast, and before you know it,
it is Christmas!
I hosted my Second annual Knock off decor party….
and a first annual
all things Dollar tree Christmas party.
These parties were so inspiring and gave me and you so many new ideas for next year, I almost can’t wait.
But, I hate when time flies so I must be patient.
That about covers my year just out here in blogland alone.
It’s been a ride and I look forward to more fun filled days out here.
Hard to believe I am coming up on three years….
and I believe I have posted almost every day….or at least 4 days a week I have.
Who knew I had so much to say, do and share:)??
I thank each and every one of you for your loving support, friendship and readership.
After all it would not be a blog or a website if I did not have you along with me.
Thank you for stopping by today.
See you soon!
You really had some wonderful project here, Debbie. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas with your dear family. Blessings to you- xo Diana
Thank you for sharing the most popular posts, now……when will you be taking a break, young lady! Hope your Holiday was magical!
Awesome post! Just pinned and tweeted! You always have the best ideas and love that you wrapped up some favorites in one post! XOXO! Rebecca
I so love your new laundry room Debbie. Wish I had your energy (**
you sure are a busy girl so many great diy love the burlap valences and the redo of the pie safe:)
What a really fun look back at your amazing year of talent! I really love those Mason Jars for Valentines Day and the little teacup hanging in the window. It is the little things that wow me!
How fun going down memory lane with you Debbie! It is fun to see all that you have done again.
You did some great projects in 2012, Debbie! I’m looking forward to being inspired again in 2013.
Happy Holidays!
Thank you so much for sharing these awesome posts, I LOVE your laundry room friend!!
xoxo, Tanya
Best DIY blog, ever. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.
So many great projects Debbie! Looking forward to all the new ones you come up with in 2013!
I’ve only been in “blogland” for a few months. I had been active on Pinterest for awhile and many of the blogs I now follow (including you) were actually discovered there! Thanks for the wrap-up, now I see some of what I missed earlier in the year. I’m going to go check out your sister’s wedding : )
Thanks again!
It’s amazing how fast a year goes by! I know I’ve seen all those projects but, boy… when we do the yearly flashbacks… it’s like WOW! Hope you had a fantastic Christmas. Look forward to many fun blog adventures with you in 2013!!! XO~Shan
How fun to revisit your awesome projects. You are one talented and creative lady. Your blog always gives me smiles! Thanks for sharing. Peggy
Lots of great projects and I still love the thrifted chair colors and that fab pizza oven.
You always have such fun projects, Debbie! It’s great looking back over the year!
What an awesome blog. I’m new to these awesome blogs so I enjoyed it very much and I will go back and check out the blogs you talked about! Thank you for sharing.
Thank you Beth…the features here are all my work.
And I THANK YOU for giving us amazing ideas, eye candy and laughs! I can’t thank you enough for being so real and stinkin’ sweet. Thanks to you and your newbie party…I have gained so many new friends. Cheers to you Debbiedoo! 🙂
Ahhhh…the chair, the stencil projects, the burlap valance, the pizza oven…I love all of them! Thanks for wrapping them into one lovely package for us! Love, love, love!
Oh Miss Debbie, what a fun recap! My favorite was watching you redo the back patio and oh yum the pizza oven!
Oh what fun year 2013 will be!
Awesome projects in 2012 Debbie, looking forward to seeing all you do in 2013!!
Your outside patio makeover and pie safe are my favorites!
Thank you Debbie for having such an inspirational blog. I really appreciate you. Patty
Debbie…you certainly had a successful year of DIY projects..loved every one of them..but I must say that my favorite has to be the pizza oven!!!….Hope you had a wonderful Christmas with your family!!
Paint is a wonderful thing!!!
Glad you had a good Christmas!
XO Kris
You really did have a busy and fun filled year. Loved seeing the reveiw. So many fabulous projects. I look forward to all of your projects for the coming year. Happy New Year!!! Hugs, Marty
One of my favorite things about your blog is that you show the big projects like the awesome outdoor pizza oven, but you also give me inspiration for the little ones that you can do in an afternoon or sometimes even five minutes. I LOVE that! Looking forward to more Debbie Dooing in 2013.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog…….!!! I want to wish you a Happy New Year….and Good Luck to you and staying on FACEBOOK! Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing all of these DIY projects! YOU ROCK!
~Nancy from OHIO PS We talked today on facebook… THAT WAS SPECIAL!
You certainly do keep us motivated and inspired, Debbie, with all of your wonderful and fun ideas!
Happy New Year!
fun and love the turquoise aqu tone with yellow ….fun
Debbie, what a wonderful look back! The best part is that I recognized over 90% of the posts you mentioned. Although I do not always leave comments ( I intend to so much more in the new year) I do visit your lovely blog often. Smooches and Hugs! P.S. I invite you to add this post to my Thursday hop ( it’s still open)
It’s true! Debbiedoo does do!!…Everything is always fast pace and ever changing,how doo you doo it?
Thanks for a fun year 2012…looking forward to 2013!
All great projects but my favorite is still the red (or watermelon) mason jars. I just loved those. We both weathered a dicey move to WordPress and I’m thankful we both came out OK. Sometimes I do miss Blogger though! I am finally getting a blog roll in a few weeks so I can hardly wait to get back to regular commenting and visiting. I’ve been so lost without it. Wishing you nothing but the best in 2013!
All the best in 2013! I hope you are inspired as much as you have been, so many wonderful projects you have posted about. Thanks for writing and inspiring me!
Debbie 🙂
You really accomplished some wonderful projects and made the big switch over to WP too! I really love that little chair makeover and the lazy susan is pretty darn cute too. Happy New Year!!!
You had a wonderful crafty year, love all your projects!
Debbie – you are a serious rock star! I love your laundry room and of course that pizza oven (I’ll bring the wine)! Here’s to a creative 2013!