Hosting the pet party is a blast! I seriously laugh out loud and smile at each and every one of your posts.
Pets bring so much joy to our lives, and it is so much fun to share.
My next pet Party will be in October.
I think Fall is a great time, and Halloween costumes will be optional. For now, I would like to highlight a few talented women…
I met a new friend, Michelle, who
in fact, is hosting a Pet portrait giveaway. I actually have a painted portrait of Lucy, which many of you have seen and loved. It is very special to me. That certainly does not mean I would NOT want another portrait of my girl.
Here are a few samples of some gorgeous sketches Michelle does.

Original artwork is an unique way to celebrate a cherished pet. A pet portrait is a special gift for yourself or a loved one that will be treasured forever.
Michelle, is a new blogger and also features other crafts and home designs.
Really a great blog, so go check it out and enter her giveaway!
Now onto another very talented old friend of mine
Kathryn from Take my breath away.
Kathryn and I met on the decorating site Rate My space around two years ago.
Kathryn has been learning and taking photography courses for about a year now.
She is truly amazing. If you are in the Charleston, SC area, you may want to contact her, and have her do a photo shoot for you. In the meantime, check out her blog..she is a sweet blogging friend indeed!
Here are some other cute pets….
from the party, still going on til Midnight tonight.

Teddy the World traveler….so funny!
So may wonderful pets and stories…still time to join and enjoy.
And still time to get in on the chalk paint giveaway
Thanks for all you sweet comments on my haircut! 45 is not so bad after all!
Hi Debbie Dear! Oh, your pet party with Lucy, of course, was so much fun. I love seeing others little fur babies. Wow, that gal is so talented! I'll have to go and check her out.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia 😉
I missed your pet party Debbie, but plan to do some catching up in the next few days. I definitely need a distraction! The 2 photos are just too cute!
Oh my goodness, I couldn't believe my eyes when I just read your post and saw my Teddy (the picture of him in the coon skin cap..ha ha haaaa!) What a nice surprise! I loved how you called him the world traveler! That is so cute and so funny!
I ♥ your blog and am so glad to join in the fun!
Have a great day!
Presleigh!!!! You are famous! You are lookin' good, girlfriend!!! 😀
Thanks for the info about the giveaway. I would love a picture of Baily.
Aw, I missed your pet party Debbie. I'll look for the next one. Thye are always fun.
I adore your new snazzy haircut! I hear ya. I'm 45 (almost 46) as well. Sigh….:)
Warmly, ~Melissa
I can't wait for your next pet party!! I wish you were doing it sooner but I will just have to be patient!!
Oops – I guess I missed the fact that you have one going on now! And I am out of town…Boohoo. I can't believe I missed it. I will have to go read all the postings though.
Hey sweet friend! Im sorry I havent been around much at all the last few weeks…Im still fighting these shingles and now Ive caught a bad headcold…Happy Mothers Day weekend!
Love these Poochie Portraits! And those adorable pups! LOVE!
OH! I LOOOOOVE your haircut!!! It looks GORGEOUS! That is a BEAUTIFUL pic of you!
I am so sorry that Bentley missed Lucy's party. It's all my fault, the past week just got away from me. I have promised Bentley we will make it in October. PS ~ your haircut is so cute!
Susan and Bentley
I am so glad you are going to host another pet party. I have been thinking about a post about how Zoey follows me everywhere and now I have a deadline. Deadlines are always motivation for me. I loved the pet party and I laughed a ton too.
Thanks for hosting such a fun party.
Wow, I'm blushing- really! How incredibly kind you are for promoting my pet portraits and blog. Thank you so much! I'm a small fish in the blogging community…for now ;)…but your kindness will not be forgotten and I will promote your parties and blog anyway I can! Big hugs, Michelle
So many adorable doggies!
Wish you a wonderful Mother's Day.
Hi lovely lady. I love all the doggies on your post so sweet. I need to do some photos of my Sophie for your doggies post.
I hope you have a Happy Mothers Day are you going out for dinner ?
Thank you so much Debbie for hosting such a brilliant party!! Zip was very happy to get all of that off his chest!!lol
If the next party is October, Zip and his hot dog costume will SOOOO be there!!!
Michelle is a fabulous artist! Anyone would be lucky to have her work! You know, I don't have a portrait of Zip! Hmmmmm.
Hello Debbie,
Sorry I have not been around in a while. Trying to catch up. I love your haircut! You look fabulous! I loved the master bedroom reveal. You did a great job!
Have a fantastic Mother's Day!
~ Tracy
Sorry I missed the party. Busy at work this week. I will say the Rusty Rooster Bassets have been hot on the trail of a bunny in our backyard. I wish that darn thing would find its way out!
I am totally honored and humbled at your sweet words about me and my photography! You are the best and I am so glad we found each other! Thank you so much!!!
I am going to check out that giveaway I would love a picture of my Kramer who passed, we were just talking about him tonight…we get Sushi in the morning…wish me luck!
Kathryn is very talented, I will have to go enter!!! And I do love that portrait of Lucy!!!
Thank you so much for featuring Presleigh! I'm trying to keep it from going to her head 🙂 We had so much fun joining the pet party. I just love seeing all the adorable fur babies. Thanks for hosting!
-Lauren & Presleigh