Welcome to our Summer at Home home series.
One of the fondest memories in our own home was about
8 years ago.
My husband and I were new to the Carolinas. Half backs, originally from Western New york, moved to South Florida and just had to get half way back , as I missed the four seasons of life.
Florida was fun, the pools, the beaches and of course Disney. But there was always something missing there in my heart. I felt my boys were missing something too.
So we packed up and made the Carolina’s our new home for life.
First thing I loved about our new home was
our front porch. Mike and I spent a lot of time sitting out there watching the boys run across the front lawn. It was the little things. Running across the lawn in Florida, was sort of a dangerous event..lots of red ants there, and many bites, benadryl and crying.
Not a fond memory indeed.
The highlight of running across our new lawn of course was catching fireflies.
Or better known as lighting bugs when I was a kid!
The boys had never seen fireflies.
Memories of my own childhood and running across our lawn ran would run through my head.
Of course when I was a kid, I always wanted to make a ring out of a firefly..
don’t ask me why, but I would capture it, and put it in a jar hoping the glow would last so I could make a ring. Girls, it’s always about the bling
Then there are memories of BBQ’s and hot dogs.
{homemade german potato salad}
In fact we even had to get a good ole fashioned bbq in our backyard.
You can even grill a watermelon in case you didn’t know!
It is delicious too.
The days are longer..
the sun is brighter and I especially enjoy that in our sunny, bright kitchen.
Flower pots and herbs
scatter about the Summer season in the kitchen.
The family room gets a splash of color and fresh flowers top the vintage purple bottles.
The master bedroom gets the sunny garden vibe.
It’s all about the cheer and sunshine of the season.
Bringing the outdoors in
with bursting color.
Outdoor summer deck tour
Summertime pillows tell the Summer story.
The memories made and the new ones yet to come with family and friends.
Picnics and pizza in our outdoor pizza oven should also be a fond memory for our boys.
Many of times spent together, eaten together,
and late night talks together out here by the evening summer fire while roasting marshmallows.
We only have one year left for our older son at home with us. I want to get in all the quality time we can.
The years go by fast and I am a firm believer to live in the moment, suck it all in, and enjoy every second of it.
Outdoor summer garden and tips tour
Thanks for stopping over today and reading our Simple Summer here in the Carolinas.
Aside from the rustic outdoors, we also live in a Lake community where boating, fishing, tubing
water skiing and all the amenities you can expect in a Lake community.
I made this summer memory printable for you as well.
Just print and frame!
We enjoy them all! and just wish the season would last a tad bit longer…
because once Fall comes,
This place is a hot mess back here.
Nice, but I am intrigued…I am ALSO from western NY. Whereabouts were you?
Debbie….thanks so much for sharing your home….beautiful! And yes…you enjoy as much as possible and make even more memories with your boys (especially the oldest) next year will come before you know it and he will be off to college. My oldest just finished his first year at college and it was an interesting year with out him. Enjoy!! Time flies when your having fun, right??? :0)
Oh…if you ever do another home tour…I would love to be part of it!
Kirby I am from Lackawanna, NY and my husband is from Williamsville.
Me too and I’m also curious where in western NY you are from. We are originally from Virginia and have only lived in the Buffalo area for a year but are trying real hard to get back to VA.
It would appear that y’all have a wonderful summer in store for your family.
Originally from the Lackawanna/South Buffalo area. The hubs from Williamsville. We did live in Cheektowaga when we first were married.
One of these days we are going to have to meet up! I just love your home…the creativity, my beloved French Country style. You have such a wonderful outdoor living area..why would you need to go anywhere! I’m with you on the 1 more year thing. My oldest will be a senior next year, and I can tell I will be on an emotional roller coaster! Happy summer!! ~Christy
I agree Christy, you are not that far from me. Seems we are in the same emotional boat LOL.
i didn’t know that you lived in south florida…me too. you have such an amazing back yard. happy summer debbie!
Thank you Laura, we lived in South Florida for nine years.
I love your home in all seasons but it really does shine in the summer. Your outdoor spaces are completely amazing. Your love and care have made it such a haven for your family. Enjoy!
You have such a beautiful home, Debbie and all your persona touches have added to it beauty and character. Love seeing it in all its summer finery.
may I ask what wall color you have in the dining room? I need to start the search for a new wall color and I love how the darker elements you’ve used play off the wall tone.
thanks and southern hugs,
Sonny, the color is Bavarian cream by BM, love it!
Your home is absolutely beautiful, Debbie. Enjoy this last year with your oldest son, once they leave things are never really the same…..different and good in their new way but still……..enjoy it dear!!!!~~~Ang
Boo hoo..I know!
Your home looks wonderful for summer, Debbie! I love your patio. I’ve been focused on them lately since we want to put one in here at our condo. I remember when my son was in his last year of high school. Everything was focused on him since I knew he would be going away to college {even though it was only an hour and a half by car} he boarded there {St. John’s in Queens ~ as a former New Yorker you would have heard of it!}. I wanted that year to go so slow, since he was my baby. Enjoy your summer!
It’s sad to think of, but exciting for our babies to start their own lives. I just wish it would not go by so darn fast!
Beautiful! You’re so right, enjoy the moment!
You have a beautiful home Debbie! I love your fire pit area….its really nice. Out of curiosity, what is the small brick structure in the corner by the bushes? Is that for compost?
That is our pizza oven!
You have a perfect home for all seasons Debbie. Enjoy your summer!
Hi Debbie, I loved the tour of your home! It sounds to me like you’ve made the best decision to move from Florida and red ants to your firefly state. Millions of years ago I had a children’s book where a bunch of girls made themselves crowns from flowers and then teased a little girl for not knowing how and she made herself a crown of honey, and butterflies stuck to it and then all the other girls were jealous. Lol. I always thought I wanted a crown of honey for butterflies but maybe the fireflies would be wonderful! We don’t have fireflies on the Pacific coast, but I thoroughly enjoy them when I’m out east. It’s lovely to meet you thru this blog tour and I’m thrilled to have lovely new friends. 🙂 Oh, and I see you’re on Instagram! Great.
Debbie I really enjoyed reading about your wonderful life in the Carolinas. Great family times and memories are so special and really make a difference and it gives your boys something to always cherish as they get older. Your garden looks wonderful and I always love seeing your home. Enjoy every moment.
Debbie, you have such a bright and cheery home to spend the summer. I love your pops of color and sunlight. Enjoy the summer and so happy to be on the tour with you. ~Jeanette
Your home is so lovely, Debbie…it feels like a beautiful place for a family to thrive and make memories. Thanks so much for sharing with us!
Have always loved your home Debbie, especially your outdoor space…all those ovens and cooking spots…wonderful!
What a wonderful choice you made for your family, Debbie! It sounds like your boys will have so many happy summer memories! Your home is gorgeous and so welcoming. Very very lovely summer details!!! I am still stuck on the fact that you have a pizza oven. That is one of my dreams!!!! Oh, I could just live outside cooking my heart out if I had one! I bet the boys really love that! Thanks for sharing so much of your home and sweet family story on this tour! xo
Debbie what a wonderful post! I love your home & LOVE having you with us on tour. I didn’t know you are a NY’er – wad’do’ you know? I’m a NY’er too. Calling California my home now, but still have NY in my heart as well. Half backs that is funny – My parents are they left NY for Naples Fla, then headed 1/2 way or so back up the a lake community in GA. We were just there visiting. Thanks again Deb! Enjoy every moment of the summer.
Debbie, your home and yard are just beautiful! It must be awesome to have a pizza oven! Where in North Carolina do you live? You have the most amazing trees and landscape.
We are actually in South Carolina, bordering North Carolina. We love the trees and landscape, however come Fall it sure is a lot of work:(
Debbie, your home and garden are so inviting. I think the Carolinas must be a beautiful spot to raise a family. Making memories for your guys is so important. Happy First Day of Summer!
Your home looks beautiful no matter what the season!! Your outdoor living space looks AMAZING!!
Love to see SC bloggers! I live in the upstate …near Greenville…and we do have a beautiful state. Close to mountains, lakes beaches and big cities!
Your home is looking gorgeous Debbie! Love the kitchen eating area:) I grew up with the 4 seasons until I was 14 and my kids never knew that, which is kind of a bummer! Snow days in winter, playing in leaf piles in fall and summer thunderstorms are things they didn’t experience as kids!
I love your home! It is absolutely beautiful – and your outdoor space is superb! I am an empty nester and believe me when I say it takes time to adjust. I would give anything to go back to the days when they were toddlers!
I always love your home tours. Where did you find that outdoor old grill?
Love your home in every season Debbie….great series!!
I’d hang out at your digs any day any time.
I Just Love your Home!! It is Beautiful and Looks like a happy Lived in Home.
You have added such great Design Elements and I just Love your Pizza Oven.
I always Love what is going to be next at your Home!!
Thank You