Today I want to share my shabby chic romantic bedroom.
The only thing new I have purchased is the bedframe and the curtains.
You will see this bedroom was NOT always shabby chic style.
I will save that for last just for SHOCK value!
It went from hip, colorful and whimsy, to shabby chic romantic.
What I came to realize is Mike and I really do not have traditional art in our home. I have probably three pieces total that I have purchased from a home decor store. Most everything else is from antique store or ebay.
Curtains from World Market. 96 inch, for 39.99. I do have to add a tad of trim to the bottom as they do not quite touch the floor. I will do that soon.
Annie Sloan chalk paint, Cream color.
It was an easy paint job. Two coats, and some light distressing. I then changed the hardware. TOTALLY transformed this art deco looking furniture.
How about seeing the BEFORE:
Your bedroom is absolutely beautiful Debbie! I love the new bed, pillows, window, etc!
Thanks for having the Newbie party!
It turned out beautiful!! Totally inspired me to make our bedroom my summer makeover project. I'll be back later to link up – once I get a new post done.
I got you weeks ago!! You just finally fit the final piece in!! I LOVE artechetural (((SP????) salvation pieces! The old beveled glass, the chipped wood, antique hardware, PERFECT!!
And your right! No bedroom is complete without some perfume and pearls!!
Great job darlin'!
It looks lovely Debbie!! I really love the drapes. so pretty!
Love your new redo. It is wonderful. I love the leaded glass window that you hung above the bed. The perfect finishing touch. Hugs, Marty
Your bedroom looks lovely Debbie.
Donna xx
The bedroom was pretty before, but it's so softly romantic now. Love the changes! Love the new bedding and the new-old piece over the bed! Thanks for sharing.
happy easter, Debbie! your bedroom is stunning! every detail is spot on!
…and thanks for hosting!
Your bedroom transformation is beautiful!!
Love your new bed!!! Everything looks lovely!!!
So pretty, Debbie. Well worth the wait 🙂
Your bedroom looks like it's in an expensive Bed and Breakfast. Lovely.
Aw…jeezz…Debbie- You outdid yourself! It looks GREAT! Love it-ESPECIALLY the old chippy door above the bed. I have a similar window in my sitting room. You did a great job pulling everything together. The bed is just the perfect piece for the room! xxoo Diana
I love the window!! Such character and history! We just hung one above our piano in our living room, too.
Your bedroom turned out sooo lovely. It looks like a great place to retreat for some relaxation. Thanks for sharing! Your hard work certainly paid off.
I adore your bedroom Debbie! It looks very romantic.
I would have never thought about a door about the bed. You did an amazing job Debbie, looks wonderful.
Bedroom is just lovely! I have the same leaded door and the same Chanel perfume!!! We think alike! Love the pillow on the bed as well.
well at last i love the idea mike is just to clever the room looks so warm and cozy i would not want to leave it great job 🙂
Debbie, it is fantastic. LOVE the old door. What a great idea. So unique like you! Just got home from seeing the movie Water For Elephants and it is sooooo good. After your photo shoot have a date night and see it just to relax.
Wow, Debbie. Your bedroom looks fantastic! Congratulations on a job well done! I like the yellow chest of drawers best of all. I have really been into yellow *a lot* lately. I also like the chippy window hanging above your bed. Everything is well-coordinated, but it looks like you collected everything over time…nothing seems contrived.
Ricki Jill
Your bedroom is loverly, Debbie Dear! How cool is that olden window above your bed!! You're good! Hope you had a wonderful Easter.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia 😉
You room looks beautiful, Debbie! The bed is gorgeous… worth the splurge! I have the same bedding in our guest room, and the same pillow in my foyer, so I guess you could say I like your style 🙂
You did such a great job with bedroom Debbie. Beautiful!
So pretty I love how soft and peaceful it looks. And I'm really diggin those curtains!! Great job.
I think we are converting you at least a little to a shabby chic girl, love the bedding and window.
Debbie it's a gorgeous bedroom! You achieved your goal and then some. LOVE the window above the bed. Very pretty.
Beautiful Debbie!
I love the bed, cover, and that pillow!!! Gorgeous!
Just breathtaking! Liked it before, love it now.
The reveal was worth the wait! LUV the window above bed. Beautiful!
Your room turned out great!! :O) I love the pillows!
That was so creative of you to hang the leaded door over your bed. It looks fabulous.
Thanks for hosting the Newbie Party.
Hi Debbie! Oh my! It looks like it belongs in a magazine! I love everything about it! Just perfect! The leaded glass window/door is amazing and you are so lucky to have it. Great job! I will be flying as fast as I can to Target tomorrow to try to find that bedding!
I'm loving it Debbie! You did come up with a unique idea! How fun! I really love that bed! I know wht you mean about pillows, my hubby get's annoyed with too many of them! Love the perfume and pearls! I agree it's a great combination! Your room looks lovely and romantic!
Debbie, your bedroom is marvelous. I love your iron bed. Would you mind telling me where you purchased it? Thanks so much.
Debbie! What a beautiful room! I love, love, love the painted dresser. What a clever idea for above your bed. Good job! And the bedding is beautiful. Those tiny ruffles are adorable. I've been planning a similar ruffle idea for some new bedding for my room! Love it! Your room turned out beautifully!
GORGEOUS Debbie and you certainly found the perfect piece for over your bed, love it!! Beautiful pictures with the sun flowing in. Great Job!! Martina
i will join your party! I didn't know we could enter our link each time lol
Hi Debbie~ Your bedroom is absolutely gorgeous! I love the bed you chose- the bedding is beautiful and the window is just perfect! Well done! 🙂
I love the chests and your blanket box – beautiful.
Look really great!
It was worth the wait Debbie. Your beautiful is absolutely beautiful! Love the leaded glass window above the bed.
Enjoy your day,
Oh Bravo Debbie!
What a beautiful and whimsical room you have created! I love your ideas and how beautifully it all came together!
It has so much style and personality too!
Beautiful bedroom redo, Debbie! I love the curtains. Such gorgeous colors: they give you lots of options!
Hope whatever you have to do this week is good…:)
Beautiful redo, Debbie! All of your romantic accents are awesome. You *know* I love the French pillow. The drapes are fab … and the painted pieces are amazing, too! Well done!!
Your bedroom is so dreamy Debbie! I love the window above your bed and your idea to make it more like awning is fabulous!!! Gorgeous gorgeous room dear, and Yes it was so worth it!! Love your basket by the way!!
Gorgeous bedroom! I love the bed frame, it really suits the room how you've done it up.
LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! Wow, your bedroom is awesome! I especially love your bed! I'm SO happy it's not an antique. I will be purchasing a new bed soon, and one like this would just fit the bill! 🙂
I'm in love with your bedroom. The bed you chose is gorgeous. What a great idea for over the bed. Very creative. Love the bedding and what you did to all of your furniture. GORGEOUS!!!!!
I loooooove the yellow dressers! I'm a big fan of yellow. I have an old yellow dresser but it's stuck at my dad's in FL after our brief residency there:(
I love the old sconce and the chippy white shutter! Just gorgeous Debbie!
I love the world market curtains… and the target bed spread is awesome! I love the new romantic look to your room!
Debbie, looks like you work very hard and the pay off well it shows. good job… hope you had a good Easter.
Wow! Debbie you completely transformed your bedroom and it is looking gorgeous and romantic! I think the door stop idea was pure genius and that is definitely the perfect piece for that space. So excited to finally see it all come together! 🙂
Gorgeous bedroom! I love the piece over the bed… and the headboard you decided on… looks great! 🙂
Your bedroom looks beautiful. I love so many things about it, namely EVERYTHING. That window over the bed is awesome. I'd be too afraid with Earthquakes in Cali to do that. The plate (?) with the Bee is one of my favorites. It's always fun being at your party. I make so many new blogger friends.
Your room is so charming, Debbie…and the old window is perfect! I have a few of those I've been hanging on to for the right spots…I'm inspired!
It is amazing how changing wall color, re-doing some furniture finishes and adding some different accessories can put a completely new spin on the same room. The bed looks inviting. I liked the room before, but this new look has softened it. I especially love that pic of the bee hive and the bee plate. You've done a great job. Thanks for the newbie party.
Love, Love, Love the bedroom. What a beautiful relaxing romantic getaway!! My favorite is the old door above the bed
Debbie you did such a great job with everything! I love the window above the bed!!!!
i love love love the furniture! am in the processing of making our dining room table look "loved" and distressed… any tips?
Wow Debbie! Your transformed bedroom is beautiful! Love the bed and the leaded glass over it. Gorgeous!
Debbie, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!! I, of course am a big fan of Wesley Allen. Love the one you chose, and the light bedding is just my favorite!! I love everything about it!!
Oh Debbie! So romantic and gorgeous!! Love it all, the bed, the bedding, pillows, furniture….LOVE!
Hi Debbie! I am linking up to the newbie party again this week! I love the bedroom makeover…I thought I liked it before, but the after is even better! Those new curtains Make.All.The.Difference! Looks lovely. Thanks for hosting!
It looks great, Debbie! I love your drapes and that bedding is wonderful! Target, huh? Guess where I'm going. : )
Pretty treasures and post,thank you for sharing.
Debbie it looks great! I love that bed! Good choice for a splurge girl. And the pillow is really cool too! Vanna
Love, Love, Love!!! Your bedroom is gorgeous! Love the bed and the shot of your windows/curtains! 🙂
Propping the leaded glass door so that it looks like an awning was sheer genius!
Everything turned out beuatifully. Every touch definitely creates the romantic ambience that you were striving for.
You should be so proud. Congratulations!
I love the new look! It's perfect. And I love the art-glass over your bed!
I love it all! The window is perfect AND the drapes are beautiful. What a great place to relax!
What a gorgeous, relaxing bedroom! Thanks again for hosting today!
Finally! LOL
It's gorgeous! You did an amazing job. I love everything…the bed, the curtains, the window above the bed…I could go on & on. And–you should be proud of how you transformed those dressers, they look great!
Hi Mrs.Debbie, I love the colors of the curtain panels and I love the Target Bedding, I have the sheets and noting I like better to sleep on! I want to make a suggestion with the shabby chic bedding you have you could add on to the panels with the same fabric as the bedding from a set of the sheets with the ruffle at the bottom of the pannel and the add on being gathered when sew on, or it would look good as a double cuff at the bottom with the same fabric as the panel, allowing the panels to touch the floor. I think this will really give you a look you will like even more. I love your decorating The room looks great!!Can't wait to give you 5 star's on RMS!! Thanks for sharing, I wish I could get that phone in your room to come to my house!!!!
Looks beautiful, Debbie. I knew it would though! Seriously a great job on all of it…and I'm with you re: less pillows. 🙂
I need to do something to my bedroom but nothing has 'hit' me yet…even with all the looking I've done. I think it's because I love fall & winter and the coziness. Just don't feel it in hot weather…and yes, it's already hot & humid here with lots of tornadoes dancing around.
Hope you had a wonderful Easter!
The door over that splendid bed is the cherry on the pie♥
I am in the process of re-doing my bedroom after getting a Wesley-Allen bed too. You are a good inspiration to get it finished.
I have tried and tried to post the button but I'm doing something wrong!,,,, Yikes,,
It came out just beautiful. I love the window above your bed. What a creative idea. It reminds me of a room at a romantic Bed and Breakfast. You did good!
Marianne 🙂
Oh Debbie!!! Your room is absolutely lovely! Every square inch of it! The piece above the bed is just perfect! I know you are loving it and you should! It is gorgeous!
I love it! I especially love the furniture you painted! It was beautiful before and even more beautiful now!!
Great choice on the wall hanging. Love the changes. the furniture has a new life.
Very well put together.
Great job on your bedroom makeover. The lead glass art is perfect. Thank you for sharing your lovely design. Cherry Kay
I love how you acheived dreamy and romantic and still worked in some color….so pretty!
This is such a great post! Thank you for visiting me at Conspcuous Style. People like you make the difficulty of starting a new blog much easier take! You've got a new friend and follower in me!!
What a beautiful room! I especially LOVE the door above the bed! I'm totally inspired to finally commit to something for above our bed!
Lovely bedroom makeover! I've seen that bedding at Target, but it looks even better on your pretty new bed. I also love that chicken wire basket. I have a similiar one, but larger that I use as a magazine holder.
Debbie I want to thank you for stopping by my blog and lending me some support.
I love your redone bedroom. Great color and I love those curtains.
Thanks once again for hosting this newbie party.
Hi Debb… beautiful NOW…in fact your before was also my favourite because of it cosy and rich touch but that was so perfect for Autumn and winter and now with the coming summer it looks so perfect… breezy, light, open … beautiful job done Debb
Hope you would like to pay a visit to me at
Love your bedroom, and I absolutely love the inspirational art piece over your bed, its just great
Debbie, I love it! Very romantic and pretty. I love the curtains and the bedding. Jeez, I love it all! 😉
I really love those curtains. And the door above the bed was a terrific idea. It looks so much brighter. I almost thought you painted but if I remember right that is the same wall color right? It all looks great!
Your bedroom turned out to be so beautiful & romatic, but I knew it would. You have great ideas and good sense of design too. Enjoy! Peggy
Gorgeous bedroom!! I totally loooove that door hanging above your bed!!
Debbie, your bedroom looks WONDERFUL! I LOVE the idea of the old window above the bed and "opening" it was genius!!!! It all looks great! Love the new curtains! XO, Pinky
Thank you so much for doing this! SUCH a great idea. I love your blog, too!
Stacy @