Hey there ladies!~
This indeed is going to be a hot topic.
If you are a regular friend and reader you know I like to throw some random topics and fun out here.
We are all familiar with People magazine.
In fact, it is one of my favorite magazines.
One of my favorite features in People magazine is usually the Fashion, and the once a year PEOPLE Magazine’s Annual Sexiest Man Alive issue. That issue is due to come out November 15th and you can bet, I just may be the first in line.
Not sure who will win this year. I know who I would choose to win?
What about you?
Who would you choose this year?
{I have to say Bradley Cooper has a great smile }
Not sure how my husband would feel about me running out to be the first in line for this upcoming edition of People Sexiest Man Alive.
I am just joking on that, but you can bet I will be picking up this edition.
Always interesting in the fashion section to see two different movie stars in the same outfits and who is sporting the look better.
And who doesn’t love celebrity gossip?
Speaking of gossip,
I know
Hugh Jackman is looking at me…I know he is. Just don’t tell the hubby that one either.
Whew..those eyes are killer.
I sure hope Mike does not read this post, he just may be jealous of some of my secret crushes.
But, hey, he has lived with me loving PRINCE all these years, he certainly can’t feel slighted by these guys.
People Magazine is always up on the latest topic, current News, hottest fashion, latest movie reviews and so much more.
They truly are or should be anyway your one go to mag on your list.
For this weeks latest
How about I offer my friends a $20.00 gift card to CVS pharmacy.
All you have to do to enter is tell me
if you got to choose the winner….
WHO would it be?
and Who has been your favorite SEXIEST MAN ALIVE in past issues?
***Please leave your email address so I may contact you if you are the winner
***Giveaway ends November 22nd
Can’t wait to hear your answers.
“This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media
Group™, but all my opinions are my own http://cmp.ly/3/KqtZiE.”
Anthony Bourdain – CANNOT GET ENOUGH of him lol
Ryan Gosling is my pick! Oh besides my hubby of coarse!
My all time HOTTIE would have to be Richard Gere, but Hugh Jackman is looking mighty fine!!
fun post! you know, bradley cooper does not do it for me. i’d have to say my current fave guy is dylan mcdermott. did you watch american horror story last season? yowza!
Hugh Jackman
tcarolinep at gmail dot com
Ooh! Tough decision. There are so many hotties out there. I think I’m going to go with Hugh Jackman. Hot and great person, too.
Oh gosh, is Rob Lowe too old for consideration? He still does it for me!
Hands down, no question- Russell Crowe:) It was lust at first sight and last sight and all the time.
There’s far more there than meets the eye and while he expresses his Mind, beautifully:) the inner thoughts are even greater and more astounding.
Channing Tatum would be my hunk of choice. I recently saw him in The Vow. He has a cool sexiness about him.
There is no shortage of beautiful people and handsome men for People Mag to choose from but I’m just not finding one that I would add the word sexy to the handsome part. I KNOW…. what’s wrong with me??
Oh Wow! I love looking at ‘sexy’ men! I’m old but still alive!! I love Hugh Jackman but I think he is very sexy! So he would be my pick of ‘currrent’ guys…my older all time favorite…..Robert Redford!
hugs, Linda
My fav would have to be Hugh Jackman as he always looks great! Gotta love those eyes as well.
I like Richard Gere from the past. If I could choose this year’s pick, I would go with Russell Crowe or LL Cool J (oldies but goodies).
I’ve been crushing on Alec Baldwin for many, many years. Yes, he has that temper, but I can’t resist a bad boy!! xo
The guy that played Smith Jared on Sex and the City. Most gorgeous man ever!!! Even Brad Pitt in his early days can’t hold a candle to this guy.
I gotta go old school and say George Clooney. Even better with a little gray.
I still like George Clooney, though Ryan Reynolds is pretty cute too.
Jensen Ackles from “Supernaturalist”. The husband knows that’s why I watch that show religiously C:
Channing Tatum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gerard. Butler. Preferably in a kilt (or out of it….whichever you prefer, Debbie…..)
He needs to read me a romance novel with that Scottish burr of his….*le sigh*…….
LOL I needed this post today!
Mine is George Clooney:) I just love his dark looks! Plus he in someway he reminds me of my son!
I love John Corbett. Have met him many times with his band and he is so friendly which makes him sexy.
My celeb crush right now is Blake Shelton. Love him!
Hands down, it would have to be Tom Selleck with a close second of Sam Elliott. I am telling my age! Either one of them are timeless. Tom may be a little heavier but he is still hot!
Matthew McConaughey without question!!
As long as I don’t have to pick someone close to my age, I’d go with Ryan Gosling. He just kills me in The Notebook! Loving the sidebar paper. Very retro/modern/fun!
I would go with Hugh Jackman and my favorite past cover was Brad Pitt 1st cover with the long hair, george clooney and jfk jr
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
still crushing on george clooney but i LOVE hugh laurie with a scruffy beard. yum!
Well, how many can we list? 😉 I’d have to say Sean Connery, Richard Gere and quite a few others! On this issue? Hugh Jackman!
Well, how many can we list? 😉 I’d have to say Sean Connery, Richard Gere and quite a few others! On this issue? Hugh Jackman!
Tough decision! I have to go with George Clooney. My 14 year old daughter says, Robert Downey Jr. Imagine that? He’s probably older than her father! Lol
Oh, I am all about Matthew McConaughey! Whew! He is something! After hearing poor reviews from some of my friends about Magic Mike, I decided not to go see this movie. I just didn’t want to see anything that might taint my movie star crush on him. LOL! If I had to choose between the ones shown here I guess it would be Ryan. He is adorable too!
ooh, way to mix it up over here! That Bradley Cooper has definitely grown on me but my vote still goes to George Clooney. Just can’t help myself–he does it for me!
Johnny Depp is pretty hot!
[email protected]
Old school here for sure- but I always thought Richard Gere was sexy. Part of it is because I know he is intelligent and he just has that classic angular face…looks good even with glasses on. Fun topic, Debbie~xo Diana
I’d choose Ryan Gossling and I’ve liked Johnny Depp
Ryan Reynolds is the hottest one
EXCUSE ME while an olden woman gets in on the fun.
My age group (well….CLOSE to my age), Sean Connery (gosh, I just looked..he’s in his 80’s…waaaaaay older than me)
I know he’s not all that cute but I am in luv with Robert Duvall..
Of course, my all-time hotie HAS to be Mr. Depp. (tee hee…)
I would like to see Patrick Wilson win — and for past winners, it would be Richard Gere
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
Of these, Bradley Cooper but I must confess I’ve always had a thing for John Stamos!
Oh please. Mine is easy for me. It doesn’t matter how old he gets (probably because I keep getting old right along with him.,,) Tom Selleck is the sexiest celebrity. No competition. Pant. Pant. Pant….
I still think Patrick Dempsey is so incredibly hot! Oh – and Keith Urban!
Jon. Bon. Jovi. (I always say I think I’d do illegal things for him! LOL!) Previous winners? George Clooney!
So fun reading everyone’s picks. I am a terrible picker. All the ideas above are pretty great though 🙂
Hi 🙂
se devo scegliere fra questi 2 attori dico : Hugh Jackman… ( fisico magnifico )
Se invece posso dire chi amo effettivamente, dico : Jake Gyllenhaal !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ciao :))))
Hi Debbie: Well, you probably haven’t heard from the ‘old ladies’ yet, so let me be the first. I just watched Gilles Marini being voted off Dancing With The Stars. He’s pretty darn hot, but so is Anthony Banderas. Can’t make up my mind, guess I just have a thing for those accents!..Happy Wednesday..Judy
I would pick Ryan Gosling.
My pick for sexiest has always been and will always be Johnny Depp. But for overall likability and sexiness (because he reminds me of my husband), is Tom Hanks!
I think it would be Channing Tatum
jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com
If I chose it would be Russell Crowe
One of favorite in past is Bradley Cooper
coupon.artis @ gmail.com
I’m going to go with George Clooney!
family74014 at gmail dot com
I would love to see Jesse Williams from Grey’s Anatomy or Rodrigo Santoro on the cover 🙂 As for my favorite Sexiest Guy cover model? Hugh Jackman or Sean Connery. It’s a tie! 🙂
deeg131 at gmail dot com