Hey there everyone! Today I am just checking in with a quickie. I mean a super duper, duper quickie. No sew tablecloth curtains.
While at Walmart picking up our sons last minute college needs I browsed through the tablecloth isle. Actually, not intending to, I was doing a cut through. I stopped dead in my tracks when I spied with my little eye this pretty tablecloth. At first I thought “oh how pretty for fall” maybe I will get a tablecloth for the table.
Then, the lightbulb hit when I saw the size, 60 inch x 102. Our kitchen windows in the dining room are tall and I always need something longer than the standard 84 inches. But as you know they are pricey. I only have two sets of curtains for this window and have been in our home for 10 years now. I just don’t like to spend the money. I think I can afford a $13.84 tablecloth though. Of course I needed two. Still though, $26.00 total, not bad at all.
I think I was walking around aimlessly today at Walmart. I am starting to get that pit in my stomach thinking about our son leaving. We get him to College on Wednesday. I am so happy Fall is around the corner because I plan on keeping busy the next few weeks.
My kitchen window wreath had to get a mini makeover too. I just added some yellow flowers, poppies and a chevron red burlap bow.
Seriously, look how perfect in size these are. They do have 70 inch and 84 inch. There was a variety of pretty patterns and colors to choose from.
The brand is Mainstays. My pattern I chose is Multi/Istanbul M-s44-051-420-55
All my favorite colors. As you can see they are hung with curtain rings. The rings you can also find at Walmart. They come in a pack of 10.
No sew, budget friendly and perfect in my ever so humble opinion:)
Thanks for stopping over today. If you are new here, stick around and browse a while.
WAIT! I found another tablecloth, wait to you see what I did with it:)
Check it out.
Tablecloth pillow
I have plenty more ideas.
Here is today’s current kitchen
using The Pioneer woman’s napkins HERE
And here is our kitchen current state of tablecloth curtains:
Pioneer woman tablecloth curtains here
Thank you so much for visiting with me today.
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I am also a huge Dollar tree fan and do lots of fun crafts per season.
And if you are in the mood to house gawk. Check out my
And my latest Fall dollar tree collection of ideas!
Debbie, I love these! Gotta go to Wal Mart! They look so pretty in your room!
Thanks Kathy! Good luck, let me know how you do.
Brilliant!!! They really are a pretty pop of colour Debbie. AND no sew!!!!
Big hugs my friend… I can only imagine how your heart is feeling. We were blessed that both boys chose to do their degrees locally. So they stayed home while going to school. The youngest has only 8 more weeks to his BA YIPPEE!!!!
Hugs, Gee
Thanks so much Gee. Extra bonus for sure on the no-sew.
Love these Debbie! Beautiful colors!
Thanks Deb. The colors certainly spoke to me.
Hi Debbie Dear! Oh, how lovely! The tablecloths make gorgeous curtains and just perfect for your tall windows. You’re a smart little cookie! I love how your kitchen window looks.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia 😉
Thank you Sheila. I am thrilled with the new look and colors for fall.
SO perfect. Just your colors. Great length too. Lucky girl!!
Indeed! I scored:)
Love this idea. Very pretty. I’m gong to have to show this to my Sister. They are moving into a new house that needs lots of updating.
I have no sew tablecloth curtains in my bedroom. I love them!
Cool! I love this idea.
Great colors on the curtains. Top sheets work nicely also. And the already have an edge a curtain rod can go through. Good luck to you and your son. Try not to cry too much in front of him. But Cry all you want on the way home. Resist the temptations to call or text the first week.
I will…not sure on the texting, but I will try my best!
The curtains look so nice! Love curtain rings Lisa@ Sweet Tea N’ Salty Air
Love it! How clever, plus I love the colors and patterns, yes they speak FALL! Thanks Debbie for another great and smart idea!
Thanks Mary!
I love your curtains/tablecloths!!…I have actually made things out of tablecloths too….they are truly inexpensive and you get lots of fabric!….your panels and so bright and cheery….and you need cheery this week!…It will be OK Debbie…the ride home will be sad for you but it does get better…I promise!…Clemson is a great school!!…Hang in there!!
Thanks Shirley! I know it will. It will take some time for sure.
Debbie those are perfect in your space, the colors are fantastic. I like to do the same thing with tablecloths.
Good choice Debbie … great color for Fall … nice weight … just adds color but still sheer enough to let the light in.
Enjoy …
Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures
What a great idea!! I’d never have thought of it! Love the fabric for fall too. And easy
Love the idea of tablecloth curtains! So much cheaper than curtains. I also love your kitchen wreath and need to get started on a fall wreath soon. Good luck with your son’s move!
Tablecloths as curtains are my secret weapon…they allow me to have many different looks for not a lot of money! Those are lovely…enjoy!!
Thank you! Yes indeed I will. I am in serious love with them. My husband had NO clue lol!
Thanks Jane!
Perfect! We just moved into a home that has a ton of windows and they are more like the size of sliding glass doors. I was going to get shower curtains to hang instead of curtains because of the cost. But this is another idea that would work too! Thanks for posting it!
Happy Day to you Debbie! Hope it all went well with your son!
Thanks Carrie! It went very well. Our boy is doing is awesome…although, I miss him terribly:(
I had the same problem with the curtains being too short to cover my french windows, so went to a charity shop and bought a thinly padded quilt which keeps the cold air out in the winter ( north facing window ). The only problem is I have to hang it to the curtain rings with safety pins. I see that you have clips on your curtain rings which is a very good idea. Do you know of any websites that would ship these to the UK? Thanking you. Jenny
Not sure Jenny! Maybe try Amazon?
Big Lots works well, too!
Oh yes, I forgot about them! Thanks for mentioning that.
So charming! This print really brings your room to life and creates that layered look that good designers know how to achieve. I especially love that it’s different from all the typical decor I see out there. You’ve really created a wonderful feel in the room.
Thank you so much Penny! I appreciate that. XO
Did I miss some directions? How do you hang the tablecloth? Did you use special curtain rings?
Yes Tammy, I mention it in the post.
Super cute, super inexpensive, super easy! Trifecta! I really like the color/pattern, adds a nice little pop to the room. This whole room looks great, I love everything about it.
Love love this idea! I have these colors in my kitchen and dining area….so…..next visit to Walmart I am going to look at the tablecloths!
I just love your tablecloth curtains, they just reek spring and summer. Reek is used in a positive way, it’s the only word I could think of to describe them. A generous amount of spring and summer.
I love your curtains! I’m going to have to look at tablecloths in a whole new light. I also love the way they look with the rings.
With quilting cottons going for $12.00 a yard and more, and fabric shops falling to the wayside (we’ve lost three within 10 miles in less than a year.) a serious DIYer has to get creative. Fabric shower curtains are another great source of indoor/outdoor type fabrics and at a reasonable price as fabrics like that start at $16.00 a yard. Love your curtains—-and really adds some fun interest in the room, Thanks, Sandi
OMG!!!! I feel like I have died and gone to Blog Heaven! Thanks so much for sharing your no-sew tutorials because I cannot sew a lick! So thank you so much!
Thank you:)
As fall is my favorite season I love the colors sooo maybe a little trip.
Great idea, thanks for sharing. Love, love that shelf in the window with canning jars, stealing that one.