Well here it is….. MY… Lame debut of yet another cheesy commercial. I have to say I like the first one better…CLICK HERE TO SEE. Only because I was able to be a little more silly and fun. This producer guy was not as fun and energetic IMO and I could not be over the top like in the first one. But none the less it was fun and a great experience. Hope you enjoy!
Debbie, all I can say is WOW!! going to visit the garage salen party!
Prediction: You're gonna get A LOT of that (wow as a comment.)
BTW Miss Debbie, I have a very good friend who lives in the Charlotte area, I know it's a LARGE place – – – but what a hoot it would be if you happened to know each other.
Love it!!!! You rock! Notice I did not say the obvious word!!! Ha!
Debbie…You are adorable!
That is so cute!
They are both great Debbie.You're a STAR!!! Do you get recognized as the "WOW" lady?
That place is huge, I could get into trouble walking in there haha. Have a great weekend:)
Heather…yes I have been sited here in our town, in the grocery store and the boys school. It is hilarious because all they do is look at me and say WOW! How lame is that?
WOW….you are amazing. How did you get picked to be in the commericals? Do you shop there alot? Do you get recognized as the "WOW" lady? I know, lots of questions. I get told that alot! Sorry!!!
You did good!! I won't say the W —
word. 😀
Have a great weekend.
Man I wish I lived closer – that store does look amazing…..
Great job on the commercial – I'd have never gotten through it. I'm doing well to get a complete sentence out without a camera looking at me.
That was really fun, thanks for sharing it. WOOOOW!
Hi Debbie… Where is this store? I'm sure glad it's not near me,,, I'd be there much too much and buying everything!! Love seeing you and your friend in this commercial! You must be thrilled!
Now let me go join the party!
[email protected]
Everything looks so effortless, but I can imagine it takes a look of time. Cheesy or not I know I would not be up to it, great job Debbie
It was still a fun and great commercial! I didn't get to do the garage salen party this week. I didn't have any thrifty finds prepared but I am working on those burlap lamp shades!! So I will show them next week with the thrift store lamps! Have a great weekend!
I agree with you Debbie! The first one was more fun..nonetheless, you're still WOW 🙂
Love your new commerical! You are just toooooooooooo cute!!!
Sure wish I had a WOW in my area. Looks like a pretty cool place! Nice job Debbie.
Toooooooooo funny! Congrats on having done it, Debbie! Wow, what a great experience!!
That was cute! I would love to shop in that place, too. I saw lots of cool things that need to come here.
Debbie, Love your commercial! I hope you get a discount when you shop there! ~Marcy
this is great Deb like the shirt you where wearing its my color lol:)
Haha! That was great! I am sorry you did not get to be as out there as you like to be! But I bet you still had fun doing it! And remember you have not just been in 1 but 2 commercials now! You are a superstar! LOL! Love it! I really wanna go there too!
Very Catchy!
What fun! I hope this plays on late night TV. Much better than the local "mature" commercials we get. And one more reason to visit NC.
Hi Debbie, I hope you're going to remember all of your blogging friends when you become famous, lol! How cool to be in commercial, wow!
Deb!! This is cute! I am thinking about how famous you must be there!!! WOW! 😉 I love how enthusiastic you are about everything!!!
Congratulations, my dear!
I think you're so darn cute! Where's that Oprah now? 🙂
As I said…you are cute and no doubt we're looking at the new Oprah!
Wow! you did great DEbbie!!!
Do you here that music in your sleep? Good job Debbiedoos!! Your a natural. I did a commercial and live interview when i had my store and I was froze. It seemed like no big deal until it was time….
I did like the first one better… ONLY because you were allowed to be funny! 🙂 You did a Great job in this one too though.. I esp. like the end with the 2 carts and the comment. 🙂
Entertaining & decorating is in your blood, Debbie! ~ Coreen
You are a blast…..and love the fun at yourself way….will visit often