All we have heard are chain saws starting in the early morning and going til night. |
Workers everywhere! |
New Andirondak chairs this year. We finally bought some decent ones. |
This was when things first started blooming this season..looked so pretty. |
My friend gave me these rubber boots to give to Jack, I decided they looked good next to the flowers for now. |
My beautiful clematis, that I do absolutely nothing to each year. |
I could sure use a nap after all the work we have been doing to clean up around here lately. |
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Thank you so much for all you kind words, thoughts and prayers. They sure meant a lot to us!
Show and tell with Cindy
Show and tell with Cindy
So glad you are all safe and no damage to your beautiful home. Have a great weekend!
That really is shocking to see the photos in the post below! What a mess but I'm glad you didn't get damage to your house! Take care! ♥
I love the smell of christmas but not under these circumstances,, the birdhouse is just lovely but I can't beleive the damage caused by the storm,, you were so lucky to not be injured,,my heart goes out to you and your neighbors,,
Glad to see some blogs back up and working. Both my posts from yesterday are still gone. Love the smell of cut pines, but what a mess. Don't work too hard!
Wow-Looks like you had a lot of storm damage. When MyHero and I were driving up North a few weeks ago I said it smelled like Christmas and we were driving in a park. As we rounded the bend we found they had felled two huge pines and were cutting them up. It really did smell good.
It will take a while to get used to them being gone! Hugs- Diana
Wow glad everyone is OK. Blogger being down was not fun but glad to see your post.
Finally!…Everything on my blog came back except "YOUR" visit and comment on my last post,it's been crazy!
I'm glad things are getting cleaned up for ya…and so thankful your family and your home are okay…
Have a great weekend!
Be safe,and God Bless!
Oh Deb, so glad you guys made it, wondered yesterday if your *guys* came out…what a job but how thankful you must feel that everyone is allright, makes us think about how lucky we are on a daily basis because tomorrow you never know what's in store….don't work to hard!
OKAY!…never mind,EVERYTING IS BACK ON MY BLOG!..the visits/comments/followers/and my blog list of blogs I follow,WHOOHOO!
We're bloggin' now baby,thankful!!
I'm happy again!
All smiles to everyone!
I know how scary these storms can be. The tornadoes that touched down in Ga, were about 1/2 mile from our home. The devastation is unforgettable. It truly looks like a bomb went off. You will get your yard looking beautiful again!
So glad you and your family and home are safe and sound. We have the same trees in our back yard, two fell this winter!
Glad everyone is safe. Hopefully, we won't be cleaning up a big mess in a couple of weeks.
OMG scary job indeed! Despite all the devastation, your yard looks beautiful!
Hi Debbie, pine trees are the worst, they have such a shallow root system. When we bought our home we had several within striking distance to our home and we cut them down and several others for that reason, we get wild storms also and we didn't want to be visited by a tree as we slept! Glad to hear the cleanup is going well. You'll be exhausted by the time it's all finished! Take care and have a good weekend!
Well I learn something everyday, I had no idea pine trees were so susceptible to storms. You did not say anything about power being out, I am thinking somehow you avoided that inconvenience, glad all is well
I love the smell of fresh pine. So glad you guys got things cleaned up and you had no damage, you must be exhausted!! Have a great weekend Deb, Martina
Glad clean up is going well for you! Soon you will be enjoying your yard again…who wouldn't love to relax in your backyard! Have a happy "calm" week end.
Tree service is crazy money!
Are you ready to go on a road trip with me?!!! I need someone crazy, wild and full of energy to go with me! Hillsville is coming up Memorial weekend. wanna go?!!!!!
So glad you were ok Debbie! I love the smell of Christmas, but not under these conditions! Congrats on your feature…HAPPY SATURDAY!
Oh, I know that smell well! Your description of the sound brought back memories too. I really am glad you all were okay and are getting things back to normal. Hope you have a restful weekend!
Oh yes, we have pine trees around here that are tall and skinny too. In fact, right after our home was built, we had one of those daring, brave tree cutters way, way up on the pine tree in the front lawn! Since then, we have some palm trees in place.
I'm sure that you'll have things back to it's beautiful, previous state.
Blessings & Aloha!
I have a pine tree that is dieing and has to be cut down I'm so sad… Your yard is so beautiful Debbie… Love the chairs looks like a great place to sit and relax… Have a good weekend.
Great documentary shot of the storm damage –
I am glad you all came through safe.
Love how your house backs up to all that green! Pretty. And the boots! You know I have a thing for those!
Glad you didn't have damage to your home. Enjoy your weekend and let's hope the weather cooperates.
So glad you're ok! It always breaks my heart to see trees cut down or damaged like this storm did. Love all your flowers and your chairs! When are you going to paint them? 🙂
Wow, that was some kind of storm! With all those downed trees, I'm so amazed & so thankful that ya'll are all okay. Good luck on the clean-up.
Again, so glad you guys are okay !! I love your birdhouse … and, your Spring touches around your yard are beautiful. While I know you've got a bit of a mess to clean up, I'm sure you'll have your yard back to "Debbiedoos" perfection soon !! xoxo
I love the pictures of the pine cones. So pretty! Even among all that mess.I could use some of those logs. I'd like some for the yard to use as pedestals for a birdbath and plants. Maybe even make one into a bench.Are you keeping any of them?
Pine trees can be scary. We have too many of them ourselves. I love your great attitude♥
Hope that most of the cleanup is done and that all is going well:) Your pics are gorgeous and despite the first pics, it will still be beautiful:)
So glad the tree is gone and didn't fall on your house!
I hope most of the cleanup is over with now.
Love your new chairs!
Your clematis is beautiful!♥
I was thinking about you when I got up this morning and am glad you're ok!!! Blogger was down a lot yesterday and posts were going missing you didn't miss much.
That must've been such a scary storm, falling tree's can be so dangerous! Let's hope that's the last of it for you!!!
Wow! I can imagine how it smell like Christms. It's always sad to see trees come down, and I'm glad to hear that your house and family were not hurt. You are so right about the massive clean up, and I hope all is going ok for you. Your pictures are fabulous, and everything will be beautifully groomed again soon. Peggy
I am so happy that you and your family are safe. It is good that there was no damage to the house. Q Magpie and my daughter both had trees fall VERY near their homes this spring. However you are so correct we are blessed. Our prayers go out to the families who suffered loss of life and property. Have a great weekend. I saw your handsome son's pic on facebook. I bet you are having to chase the girls away. Things have changed since my day. Hugs racing your way. Ginger.\
So glad to hear that you and your family are safe. What a close call you guys had! Good luck with all the cleanup.
The cleanup after a storm is always the worst! I'm just glad you & your family are safe.