I really could not wait for Fall to get here. And yes our weather has been pretty darn nice these days, I am kinda missing Summer. Although it sure was a HOT one here. I am thinking because I see all the work ahead of me with the Fall leaves, and then quickly behind is Old Man winter. Everything is then bare and I am not crazy about the Cold.
Thought I would share just a quick glimpse into color change I have made to transition into the Fall ahead.
Remember when I went crazy with the blue? Well Blue no more……
Summer flowers no more….no more blue planters either, I will show you more extensive soon on those.
Summer Lanterns to Now Fall and Winter Lanterns
Japanese Maple now turning color…….however I sure miss when It is this deep beautiful color
And then possibly looking like this…perhaps once or twice here in the Carolinas
And then of course there will be no roasting marshmellows by the fire!
Oh and look what I almost walked into EWWWWW……
Debbie, I don't miss summer, but I seem to be behind in getting myself geared up for fall. My energies are focused on the garden of late, but I want to get some fall decor out and about around the house. 😉
Your photos are lovely. The spider web shot is amazing! ~ Sarah
I love Fall. It is absolutely my favorite season. I love wearing a t-shirt and jeans, but having to put a ight jacket on at night. I love high school football games on a crisp Friday night! I love going to the apple orchard every Saturday morning and having warm cinnamon sugar donuts with fresh apple cider. I love leaves changing and I love the colors of fall. Yep… Fall is my favorite!!!!
I know what you mean, Debbie. A for me, I am not looking forward to have leaves all over the pool and on the deck. Our backyard is full of tall oak trees and I know the polaris won't be able to keep up cleaning the pool. My favorite season is spring….Christine
Deb! You get all that snow??! Wow! I have never seen snow for real. The lantern stole my heart!
My favorite season is autumn. My favorite holiday is the entire month of October.
Loved all your photos.
If you're missing summer already, they have medication for it. 🙂
I love the flowers and all the bright colors but the 100 degrees days we had this year were just a misery.. I guess that means I wont miss this past summer.. Maybe the coming summer will be easier on me and the earth:) sure hope so..
LOL, we must have both been hit by the red spray paint fairy. Wait till you see my next post.
I love all your photos. Yeah, we have leaves starting to fall here. By the end of this month every afternoon I will be raking leaves.
Love your firepit area. What a great way to spend summer evenings.
Debbie, I love summer(!), but Fall is my fave. The colors, textures, feelings of family and tradition … excitement of the upcoming holidays, etc. And, of course, wearing jeans to hide the cellulite! LOL. Have a great day, *Becca*
I feel your pain Deb. I'm going to miss roasting marshmellows too!
But I must admit I laughed at your snow picture. Where I'm from we normally can expect the white stuff fomr Halloween, until St Patrick's Day… We got lucky last year, which means this year will be a doozy!
I love summer and it has always been my fav! But this year really put a damper on my summer spirit with that excessive heat. This year I am totally recharging with the fall. It has been quite an energizer for me and I am loving it! I wonder does that mean I am changing into a fall girl now?
I can't deny…I do love the Fall! The main reason I like summer is because I get to spend so much time with the kids. The heat just gets to me so badly due to my asthma and such. So, in the Fall, I can actually breathe better 🙂 I'm so thankful we can enjoy advantages to all seasons here in the South. Hope you and yours are doing great!
Love the spider picture! I usually love summer but it was 90+ degrees for about 3 months straigh so I'll go with fall.
Fall is my favorite season. I prefer the moderate temperatures and low humidity.
Don't worry, summer will be back. La
I like the red change. Those chairs will last forever, with all the layers of paint! Maybe our blue ones need a change.
Like Fall, but not what follows. 🙁
I walked into one of those webs not long ago !! I kept checking my hair, afraid I might have a spider on me.
Fall is a pretty time of year as is spring. However, I am a summer gal all the way!! We like the water and summer is when we have the most fun!
What beautiful photos.
I love Autumn and all the beautiful rich colours.
Just found your Blog and Love It. Thought i'd say Hi before reading more.
I need some Adirondack chairs. Really, I do I do I do.
Fall is my absolute favorite season of the year!!! After months of stupidly hot summer weather, fall is such a welcome change…plus I get to start decorating for Halloween, T-Day, and Christmas!!!
Debbie, I love this. I do the exact same thing. And that color of Red is what I just morphed to from the green that seemed to be everywhere outside in my yard!
We're still enmeshed in 100 plus temps so I can honestly say I am sick to death of summer!
Your yard is lovely.
It looks so peaceful.
Looks great Debbie, the leaves will not be as pretty this year as it was last, due to the weather 🙁
I was enjoying the view til you threw winter in on us and I had some sort of temporary blindness or something. It will be here before we know it, boohooo!
Love it Debbie! I feel exactly the same way as you do about the season change….although I am so happy with the summer we had up here that I am willing to take on the fall with open arms. Love your pictures! Have a lovely Sunday! Liz
I forgot to say Spring, Summer and Fall, I love them all! Winter is ick!! It's pretty for a little while, but it overstays it's visits!!
We had such an awful, rainy, hot summer here that we didn't really enjoy it at all. We felt like we got cheated out of it somehow. However, I am welcoming Fall now with open arms…can't wait to get on the road next week and see it up close and personal.
I am already dreading winter though. I am NOT a winter person AT ALL….even though we put a big ice rink on the bay for the kids. I stay inside and keep the hot chocolate and goodies coming! Now that I am blogging I will share some ice rink pictures…so fun for those kids.
I still haven't decorated for Fall…bad me…but I am planning on doing that when I get back from my few days away. Meanwhile, I have been enjoying your posts. Glad you missed that spiderweb…I hate that sticky, yucky feeling when you walk into one. Makes me want to run screaming and wailing to the bathtub!
Hugs- Diana
Oh Fall is my very favorite season of all. I love the colors, the comforting smell of a wood fire and the crisp fresh air. I love cozying in for the winter. I also know it means Christmas is almost here, my other favorite season:)
Thank you for sharing Debbie!
I love fall too! I do miss the hot summer, (I especially will with the cold winters we have in NH). I love the chairs painted red!
I know the leaves are a pain but what a beautiful backyard you have! The chairs look great! I have a couple of red adirondack chairs in disparate need of painting! I'd probably have to say Fall and Spring are my favorites.
I love Spring- but today was pretty darn nice! The worst thing about this time of year is all of the leaves on the lawn… I can't stand it! If I had the energy I'd be out there with the blower every other day!
Hi Debbie! Ooooo, I think this is the most I have seen of your outside areas and I just love it! I am so jealous of that little fireplace area and as we are some crazy fools for s'mores, we would feel right at home there even in the snow! 🙂 Thanks for showing how to make those seasonal changes even to our outdoor spaces!
Debbie, I know where your coming from. I know I will miss summer! when I lived in SC I could never get enough of coming to the mountains and seeing the falling leaves and the fall colors. Now that I am living here, all I can think about are the falling leaves and the snow that will soon follow, the days of being stranded at home because of slick roads. I have to stop, I already getting depressed. Great changes you are making, loved the lantern. Thanks for sharing.
I do love fall, but so not ready for snow!! We just get too much,and not ready to shovel the drive way!!
Love the chairs red!! Can't wait to see what you did with the flower boxes.
Thanks for visiting and your kind comment. You have a wonderful eye and talent for creating a warm and beautiful home, so your comment means allot. Come on up and I'll have the coffe ready. A cold one tonight, maybe frost!! Talk soon.
I like fall and spring the best. We do not get any real snow here but we would love some on occasion. I raked a lot on Saturday but consider it good exercise. hugs♥O
Fall is my absolute favorite season. The only thing I ever miss about summer is being home with my kids & having no routine. Other than that, I really hate the heat & humidity of summer.
I'm surprised to see your snow pictures! I didn't realize it ever snows in NC. Pretty tame compared with Buffalo though, huh?
My favorite season is spring. I get really bummed this time of year when all the leaves are falling off the trees and soon things will become bare. It was very chilly here today and it made me realize how much I HATE being cold! Yep, I am a spring and summer girl all the way!
Lovely photos, Debbie! I really enjoy seeing fall in other areas of the country! I have a feeling no matter what time of year, it is lovely at your home!
I did love the deep blue, but that dark red goes so with the fall feeling. How do you find time to make them over?
You have some very nice and colorful changes going on here…loved your kitchen also!!!
I know what you mean about missing summer. I am starting to miss it and we've only had cooler weather for like a week. It was so incredibly hot for so long and then all of a sudden beautiful days. But now it's starting to get cold at night already. And all my lovely ferns and flowers will die. That's depressing. I loved your photos of how things at your house have changed for fall.
The chairs totally ROCK in red! Nice choice! Lucky you to still see lots of colour outdoors. Mine is currently in struggle mode. 🙂
This is beautiful post, Debbie. Seeing the changes in nature and the colors are just wonderful..