Hi there! Today, I am sharing how to get the old world weathered look on Terracotta pots. There is a bit of a twist for this process. I actually use rit dye to get the look. I used the rit dye liquid in a bottle. Not the tablet form. Although, I am sure that would work just the same.
Simple plain terra cotta pot bought at Lowes hardware.You can find these just about in any home and garden section.
I first covered my work space with a plastic garbage bag. I then warmed up Astro turf green color perfect rit dye in a plastic microwave bowl for 50 seconds. I painted on two coats. Using a regular paint brush.I discovered mid way while the water was cooling, that it was not even necessary to continue the warming process. The color perfect soaked in nicely at room temperature.
I let the pots dry for about an hour and went over the pot with one to two coats of satin polyurethane. Two coats if outdoors.
I did not plan on the results to be color matched with the house and patio, but lo and behold it was perfect! With astro turf green color perfect it was the a great outdoor color choice for Spring/Summer pots.
And that is about as simple as it comes. I left these pots out all winter, and they look even more weathered, worn and old world. I absolutely love them, and my husband thought they were pretty neat too!
If you would prefer painting your pots, I did one back a few years ago with chalk paint HERE
Hope you give it a try. If you are not a regular here, I sure would love to see you back again.
You may also enjoy my Rit dye summer herb pots
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Rit dye
Rit dye comes in so many beautiful color choices. Remember, it’s just not for tie dye purposes like back in the good ole days. Although, still very much used for that.
Check out my RIT dye gallery of ideas
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It has a pretty aged copper look Debbie:)
I love the look of those pots and how easy it was! Really adds some nice dimension to the terra cotta. Reminds me of Europe! 🙂
These are so pretty! I like the stenciled ones, too. I’ve enjoyed seeing your posts lately on FB! 🙂
I think it has a bronze/copper look as well. Nice and clever idea.
Thanks Linda!
I got away from lots of terra cotta pots years ago and went only with decorative pots…but for the past several years, I am enjoying the simpleness of the terra cotta…and love the ways you have aged and embellished them…Have a great weekend Debbie!
Very clever and I want to try it. However my house is red brick with gray undertones….can you suggest a dye color that may work better for me. I wish I could use the same as you did as I really like how it turned out…..but unsure how it would look next to the brick, gray slate porch, etc.
I would use the red Char..in fact, they have red and gray Rit dye:)
Thank you Debbie! I will try that!
What a great idea. They are lovely. I’m going to try this for my herbs. I love your site and refer to it often. Thanks
Great Bobbi, it is wonderful having you.
Debbie, I am fairly new to your blog and love your ideas… You have great ideas and love the way you share them.. Please don’t stop…
Not stopping at all! I love sharing too.
Love it! I love all of your ideas!
Thanks Ann!
Very clever idea and thanks for sharing. Debbie, I am getting caught up on my e-mails and I just read todays where you are going to start with a clean slate so if we want to see your blog, we have to subscribe again…I can understand where you are coming from and I will admit that sometimes I get behind in reading all you wonderful ladies ideas and I too have skipped over some of yours but it is never an everyday skip over with me…Love your blog and I hope you have many more blog successes…
I can totally understand a skip or two or three..but not 60 LOL! Those are the ones that got the boot. Thanks Jeanie.xo
Debbie, these are cool, but your chalk paint pot is my absolute favorite. I want to try that this summer. I want to tell you too that your porch and deck decor rocks!
Thank you Doris!
Hi, Debbie. I am a new reader and pretty new to the whole world of blogs. I’m sorry you’ve been frustrated and disappointed in the number of responses you receive versus the total numbers of members you have. I never understood before how important it is to leave a reply. I do understand your need to “clear the slate” and I will be happy to subscribe again.
I enjoyed the info on aging terra cotta pots. I am also interested in aging them with moss and, I think, buttermilk. I’ve seen an article or two in the past about how to do that. Have you ever tried it? I’m curious to try the Rit Dye in a brown color. Do you think that would turn out well?
Thanks for your interesting projects, ideas and posts! Don’t give up!
WOW, that sounds interesting Naomi. Let me know how that works for you. I would try that too!
Love this idea, Debbie! I’ve used paint and sealer before but dye sounds like fun! Your ideas are always so creative. Thank you.
Love your blog. All the ideas are great
Thanks Carole!
Love the look – I will definitely be trying this! Please, please don’t delete me – I so look forward to your posts. To be honest, there are only a handful that I truly stay on top of – just not enough time to look at everything. I love your style and how you can make something out of nothing with just a thought. One day I hope to be like that! I enjoy esp. your talents with pallets (I made a rhyme) and love looing at all your roosters – I’m big on roosters also (and birds). I’m not a big responder but more the quiet type unless I really have something to add. Hoping you keep me……
Hi Gersh! Thank you so much for not being the quiet one today. I completely understand that, and am perfectly fine with that too. If you have clicked over and read in the past two months your subscription here remains the same. If you see that you have not received anything from me in the next few days then you may have accidentally been removed. You can just sign up again! Thank you. xo
Hey Debbie.
Just want you to know that I read 95% of all your offerings. Truly. Some weeks I have to have a small reading marathon, but I do get to all of them.
I love this old look for terracotta pots! I brought back all the geraniums that were in the yard from last year, and this idea will work well for display. Thank you.
Great! Enjoy Catherine and thank you.