Hey there!! I have to share a little funny with you before I move onto my post. This morning while my husband was shaving and cleaning up to go to work, I too was in the bathroom getting ready with him as I had an early morning dentist appointment. Under his breath I started to hear him sing the sounds of ABBA -dancing queen. However, he had his own lyrics which were stencil queen, and he went on and on and almost finished the whole song but changed it up to stencil lyrics. I seriously was laughing so hard, I started chiming in with my DIP DOP DAB tag line and before you knew it we were singing it together.
I’ve about dog gone flipped my lid with stenciling around here. I have so many ideas swirling in my head and as soon as I think of one I have to create it.
Today I am sharing my gather here stencil and some cute fall decor ideas I have made with them. I am not quite ready for fall. That is surprise for me because by now I usually start getting out my fall bins and going through them. I guess I have been too busy stenciling my heart away.
I had a nice gal from Burlap fabric.com offer me some burlap to try to out. I picked out this gorgeous herringbone burlap and thought it would be perfect for some pillow creations.
It is extremely reasonable.
NO-sew pillow creations that is.
My hot glue gun does just as well. You can see some of my no-sew projects here for the tutorials.
Every stencil I have worked with so far I think is my favorite. I guess at this point considering I have sampled all 4 now, I do truly like them all. I wouldn’t be putting them out to the world if I didn’t like them myself.
Invest in these simple stenciling tools now so that you have them on hand. They are very reasonable and will last for many uses. Just clean in mild soap and warm water after each use.
Affiliate links:
Sponge roller, sponge pouncer and bristle stencil brush.
I like to use the roller for the larger areas and the pouncers for the smaller areas like the rooster, and then the small bristle stencil brush for the lettering. Remember, as always less is more. NEVER every over saturate your paint and then go over the stencil. You will have bleed through. I like to do a test run on a poster board first myself. At this point, I don’t really need to, but I still highly recommend it to avoid user error.
I added some cute burlap flower embellishments to my pillow, with a dab of hot glue as well.
Affiliate link highlighted in yellow.
Cute right?!!
While I was at it, I made the welcome chalkboard sign for the front door. The sign I found at Michaels for 40% off. I believe it cost me around $6.00. I used my craft paint to stencil, and then when completely dry I went over it with chalk to get the chalkboard effect.
How easy is that!?
I had to buy myself some pretty sunflowers for all my effort lately. It was a nice treat and sunflowers just make me smile:)
Have a great day everyone. I know a lot of you are just as anxious as I am for these stencils to be ready. I never realized just how much time and effort would go into it. Or maybe I did, and that is why it took me so long. I had to first create the line, find some suppliers to make me samples, test my samples, get UPC codes, etc…and now make my final decision on what supplier I am going with. Now it is coming down to the final cost for me including my custom packaging. Once I get that squared away, I am ready to roll.
Pin it, make it, try it soon!
Thank you for your visit today!
I share all things, thrifty home decor, crafts and a recipe or two on occasion.
If you would like to commit to becoming a subscriber, I would love for you to join me.
For my latest stencil projects you may visit my stencil gallery HERE.
All things fall gallery HERE
Love it!!
Your stencil line is so exciting, Debbie! Love your “Gathering” creations!
Love it all, that no sew pillow is so pretty! Love the fabric!
love to watch you
Love all the projects you shared here today!! And you know that I LOVE those yellow chairs on your front porch!!
The pillow is just adorable!
Love these ideas. I have shown lots of them to my Mom. Where did you find the stencil.
Christy that is going to be part of my stencil line to be available very soon to all! I will keep you posted.
How can I purchase your Gather stencil
Love the pillow its beautiful, And I love your sight as well and your projects are easy and affordable
Wow! You are the stencilling Diva, Debbie! Your pillow came out fabulous as did your sign. Great job! So looking forward being able to get my hands on them!
Oh love that burlap fabric…..great pillow … great stencil…. great sign!….Love all of your beautiful projects!
Love this. Did I miss it where did you get the stencil?
Yes Cookie, this will be my own stencil line available for sale soon.
Love the pillow and sign! Lisa@ Sweet Tea N’ Salty Air
I may be missing something, but where do I go to buy the stencils?
Tracey, they will be available at amazon within the next week. Did you sign up at www.https://www.debbie-debbiedoos.com/home-decor-projects-using-stencils/.com so that you receive the emails? Thank you so much.
Great ideas and love the stenciling God bless