Wishing you all a spectacular day!
I love fresh flowers this time of year, and tuilips are one of my fav.
As you can see, I enjoy my Spring in a can every week since making it.
Go buy yourself some fresh flowers today!
You deserve it.
Such pretty colors….
Speaking of color, just a reminder, which I will be doing everyday I am sure…
COLOR party March 25th over here, spray paint only.
Couple days left to get in on this nautical piece
Ooh! I like the idea of the color party! Thanks, Deb.
Your tulips have made my morning…so pretty!
Debbie what a beautiful Tulip thank you for the flower it made me smile
Debbie tulips are one of my favorites too and yours look so pretty!!
I hope you have the best day ever!! I need to buy some Tulips.
"Go buy yourself some fresh flowers today!"
*scribbles "big bunch of flowers" at the top of the grocery list* Will do!
I love the tulip shot that opens your blog, today. If I was very, very tiny, I would live inside a flower!
P.S. Love your cockle doodle doo-y blog-look, too!
just what i need on this morning! if only i could smell them, too.
Debbie, what lovely tulips, and the "colors" incredible, can't wait for the "color" party, I'm excited.
And thanks for the wishes for a wonderful day, you have one also, and instead of going to town and getting flowers, I'm just going out in the yard, cause my redbuds,forsythia,and pear trees are bursting with blooms.
But first I'm taking a quick swim with a dolphin.hehehe-go see!
Fresh flowers are a simple pleasure of mine! Trader Joe's has lovely Dutch tulips right now for a great price. A weekly buy for me!
Mary Ellen
So pretty! There's nothing more spring-like than tulips! I need to grab some while I'm out today.
Debbie-do, I sure wish I could take some flower pictures as good as you.
I don't know what's gotten into me lately, but everything I type sound like some kind of nursery rhyme.
I do have my thinking cap on for you fun PAL, that's Paint-a-long. The spray only has thrown me for a loop.
Beautiful Debbie! Love tulips! And peonies AND hydrangeas!!
Have a great day!
Lou Cinda 🙂
Your tulips are beautiful! AND ~ just the thing I need as a pick-me-up today … it's snowing out here.
Thanks for sharing!
I love your tulips, they have made my day too! Your party sounds fantastic!
TULIPS!!!!!!! *le sigh* My friend is bringing me tulips from her yard on Saturday!!!!! 😀 *squee* I can't wait!!!
TULIPS!!!!!!! *le sigh* My friend is bringing me tulips from her yard on Saturday!!!!! 😀 *squee* I can't wait!!!
I love the photos in this post. So colorful and cheery. I love tulips too but we can't grow them in SoCal. You have to buy them here.
beautiful pix!!!
Thank you Deb, they are so pretty!
Debbie, beautiful tulips. They are one of my favs, too. It is raining so hard right now so thanks for the lovely color.
I'm so looking forward to my tulips to come up this spring.. when it get here. It's snowing 'again' right at this moment! ha.. probably the last snow of the season though. 🙂
Love your 'Color Party' idea!! Colors sure can brighten a room and a mood! 🙂 ~ Coreen xoxo
I LOVE Tulips!!! Those are so pretty!! What a delightful thing to do to bring some spring into your house!!
I would love to be in your party, but I don't have anything to spray paint right now. 7 weeks in the new house, and I can't find my stuff!!!! ugh…….
I will try to see if I can find anything to do! What about spray ink?????
Gorgeous tulips Debbie!
They are really beautiful.
So colorful and pretty! I need Spring to get here soon….so grey and depressing around her lately. Thanks for sharing, it lifted my spirits. Blessings <3 Paula
Tulips have always been my absolute favorite flowers. Yours are beautiful!
I love Tulips! My friend and I have been going on daily walks and I have to hold my hands back from picking the Tulips out of people's front gardens!
What beautiful tulips Debbie and such a sweet thought.
Have a wonderful day,
The tulips are just beautiful, Debbie and the can too cute! Did I miss the post where you made this?
Tulips are so pretty! Hmmm what can I spray paint 🙂 I am sure I can find something!
Fantastic photos! Your flowers are gorgeous! I hope you are having an absolutely fabulous day!
~ Tracy
Thanks for sharing your pretty tulips with us.
I just love those gorgeous colors! So pretty.
Very pretty! Spring is in the air and I can't wait! I had to post my garden from last season I needed a shot of Spring so desperately! LOL!!
Love the tulips. Today was our 25 Wedding Aniv. but I didn't get any flowers. But I'm not complaining I got money to go buy SPRAY PAINT and treasure hunt. Can't wait till Friday going to stay gone all day long just me and my $'s from the Hubby! Love it when he knows what makes me the happiest! Hugs, Vicky