Tis the Season for JOY!
Today I am sharing a DIY holiday ornament.
When Stephanie from Under the table and dreaming asked me If I would like to guest post for her on ornaments, it was perfect timing because I had just completed this quick little craft.
When Stephanie from Under the table and dreaming asked me If I would like to guest post for her on ornaments, it was perfect timing because I had just completed this quick little craft.
{This here craft is one my little guy did a few years back}
Obviously he can work with glitter, read on….
I seem to be spreading lots of JOY around the house these days…what you don’t believe me?
Sure I am just ask my family…NOT!
Well, I am having fun decorating and this was my latest little craft venture.
I found these little wood chip letter at Hobby Lobby for 99 cents each.
My initial intent was to glitter them.
That was a disaster , and I have officially decided I HATE glitter,
now that’s the holiday spirit for ya!
PLAN B! always have a PLAN B just in case.
I took some old vintage book pages and tore them in tiny pieces and mod podged them on piece by piece. Really simple and fun.
I then brushed lightly some glitter on them.
I added a thin ribbon and have them just dangling from the pie safe…
These could however, be hung on the tree too!
These could however, be hung on the tree too!
I added a fresh poinsetta to my Tureen.

Happy, happy JOY, JOY!~
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