Hi everyone!!~ Hope all is well. I feel like I have not been on forever, but it’s only been a couple of days. You remember the chairs I featured from CSN…well I sure like them a lot. However, there was just something about them, that was not me. I am not much into wicker. I decided I would stain the chairs to a darker tone. Well that I did not care for either. So the other day while browsing in Hobby Lobby I decided I would recover them. Found this pretty, very durable fabric on clearance for $5.00 a yard. Well that is all I needed so SOLD it was.
Check out the process.
This was the BEFORE
The stain was not looking so good. I considered spray painting, but so glad I did not
This is more to my liking and style.
Halloween is right around the corner. I have been busy planning and thinking of fun party ideas for my 13 year old’s party. Last year was a big hit…this year they are a little older, so a bit more challenging! But HEY, I am fun so they will have FUN!!~ RIGHT????????? Well I hope so anyhow. Thanks for stopping by…see you soon.
That is FABULOUS, Debbie! You are just so darn craft and I LOVE it!!!
I'm about to do a purchase from CSN and hope I like mine as much as you like yours!
Liesl 🙂
P.S. Those Halloween candles are wonderful!
Nice job on the barstools!!!
Of course!! you're the funnest I know!!! So, the party is going to rock! 😉 😉
Love how you covered the seats! They look great and match your decor really well!
Your barstools look great Debbie! 🙂
The stools look great! I would have never thought that you could cover wicker like that.
I'm sure you'll have a fun Halloween party. You radiate fun!
You did a good job covering those seats.. Dont beat me- I liked the wicker:)
I can tell its gonna be a great party.
Oh, I love your stools and the recover of the seats! You're good.
Yes, ma'am you're fun! Those kids will have a ball, I'm sure of it!
Be a sweetie,
shelia 😉
I like the covered seats much better. Good goin' Debbie! La
That makes them so you! fun and colorful
They will have a Blast with you for their party planner! No doubt there, Debbie!
Great fabric pick. The chairs look awesome!!
I can't wait to see pictures of the party… decorations and all! Have Fun!! 🙂
~ Coreen
Your chairs are fantastic! I give you credit for trying so many options!
I miss Halloween when my kids were younger. 13 is the perfect age! They are going to have the best time!
I really like the new covers too, but technically the original seats were rush seats, not wicker. (My grandparents used to cane chairs for a living.)
Nice redo!
I was looking at CSN today, trying to decide how to spend my win. 😀
I really like the re-do, Debbie. I don't much care for that type of seat either. I don't know what it is -maybe they feel a tad Oriental flavored to me…could that be?? Anyway, they look great recovered..and you did a nice job. I imagine it was a bit tricky getting those babies to look that good because of the sag in the seat (not that YOUR seat is saggy-it's just the way those puppies were made).
I'm sure the kids will have a ball at your Halloween party. Fried brains, anyone? Anyone? xxoo Diana
Those look fabulous! I love that color…matches my kitchen! 🙂
You did an excellent job on those stools Debbie, and I LOVE the fabric!! I also like the changes in your bathroom. I will be sending you an e-mail soon. I reckon it's needed:)
I like BOTH of them – – – before AND after!!! I guess that's a win-win!!
Wow, the fabric gave them a whole other look! What a great idea and suits your room a whole lot better too.
The bar stools look fabulous! Love them covered so much better. The Halloween decor is cute, cute.
You did a wonderful job!! 🙂
See, you are crafty! I just did a post and almost put you in it. they are a real simple candle redo and I was going to write…"Debbiedoo could paint it blue"! then I thought even though I imagine that everyone in blog world know's you and how you like bright blue….Well, maybe they wouldn't get it LOL!
I would have never thought to cover the chairs that way! It looks awesome! YOU are awesome! I know you will come up with some fun stuff for the party! Those candles are too cute. I am terrified to leave any food like the chocolate chips out. Stinking palmetto bugs will find their way in no matter what. I will say that is the worst part of living in the "tropical" zone are the stinking bugs and snakes!
Oh yeah, your fun! You will be the cool "MOM" everyone wishes their Moms where! 🙂 Nice job on the barstools. I liked the wicker that would have been me, but I can definately see "you" in them now! They look wonderful! Nice fabric too!
Debbie, I love that fabric. Those look so good like that.
Love the color and the pattern, Debbie…Christine
What a simple and easy redo! We are alike in the fact that we just can't seem to leave well enough alone! Why is that? The need to make things our own, I guess! And you did that! Great job!
The redo looks perfect on those barstools.
I'm a red nut, so I think they couldn't be more perfect. How did you stop yourself from painting. Great restraint for you.
Hi lovely lady. You did a beautiful job on the barstools !! I love your Halloween ideas for your lovely home, Great job Debbie.
I complete agree with you! The new look of those bar stools are much better!
Did I tell you that your ideas are always fantastic?
Great job Debbie! They look great in your kitchen recovered!…and more comfortable!
wow we i love the fabric and the stools look awsome i would never have guessed they where wicker under there what a great idea:)
That is great! I just love a redo like that.
Those look sooo great Debbie! The fabric color is just perfect with the rest of the space and really warms up those stools. It cracks me up how many of us have been recovering chair cushions this week in blogland! Everyone is on the same wave length I guess. 🙂
I would never had thought of covering the stools, but they turned out perfect! They look terrific in your kitchen and are probably more confortable!
oops… comfortable
I love the fabric! Such a great idea Debbie!!!
Wow .. fabulous transformation! The fabric is the perfect choice for your kitchen, too … love them! And, I'm sooo envious that you get to browse through Hobby Lobby … lucky gal! *Becca*
You did a great job. I love the fabric.
I love what you've done to your chairs. They look beautiful.
Also love your table decoration.
What a fantastic makeover!!!!
Great job, my friend. Love the new fabric. You amaze me with all the stuff you can get done in such a short amount of time. Can't wait to see you party decor.
Settle catching up, but back amongst the living.
The Garden Bell
The stools look great~ They fit right into the kitchen .
OH I like them so much better.. great job!!
OH I like them so much better.. great job!!
They really look great Debbie! Love the makeover!
Good job on the barstools. Love that fabric. And I bet you have the funnest parties in town. Take lots of pictures (as if you wouldn't anyhow).
I love the benches! I like them covered in fabric but I love fabric:) Hope you are doing well. Trying to get moved and I haven't visited much. Hope to get back to normal soon.