This post brought to you by FloraCraft
Hi there everyone!
What’s a girl to do with a Foam head?
I am sure you have seen these foam heads around, perhaps at Jo-Ann stores and Michaels?
Do you ever wonder what to do with them?
First, I will share with you my two face creation.
The idea popped in my head one night. We have two sons as you know if you are a regular reader here. Alex 17, and Jack 13. You could not meet two boys who are so very different in every single way.
I am sure if you are a Parent yourself with children you totally get that. It sure keeps us busy, and always an adventure around here. I am thankful for their differences, because two of Jack’s would have killed me:) Love that kid to pieces, but his energy level is through the roof sometimes.
Back to two faced…..
SUPPLIES needed:
Foam head of choice
scrap paper or gift wrap will do
Mod podge
small paint brush
gold thumb tacks
I named him two face for a reason. You see, I wanted to create a representation of both our boys and have it sit on their desk in their little hang out room.
Alex has been in the Marching band since his Freshman year and this year is Drum major. He absolutely Loves it.
Jack has always been our athletic child. He never stops with his energy level and playing sports has been the best thing for him.
He has played soccer, football, and for the past few years he is into basketball. He is totally built like one too, so that sport has been fitting for him.
First I mod podged sections of the foam head. I bought music scrap paper and found some basketball gift bags. I will actually use them for little treat gifts this Halloween for his friends.
I cut the paper in section and mod podged the back of each strip to be adhered to my two face creation.
I cut little strips as I worked around the nose and mouth. As I went along I was smoothing out the paper with my fingers. This does not have to be a perfect mod podged foam head. But overall, it turned out pretty smooth.
I typed out descriptive words and phrases that pertained to each boy.
On the side that represents each one, is where the words were pinned in.
You can also see I took some gold tacks I found at the dollar tree and just trimmed along the top of the foam head.
I cheated a bit and did not mod podge any paper on the back. Call it lazy, call it cheating, but honestly, I ran out of the music paper:)
When my two face was complete, I brought it over to Jack our younger one to ask his opinion, and to also ask exactly what he thought this was.
He looked, and said, “that is Alex and I” and it’s pretty cool!
He then wanted me to add blue eyes…I sort of ignored that opinion. Although, not a bad thought, I just didn’t want to risk messing up what I had done already.
And there you have what you can do with a Foam head. It’s pretty cool, quirky and it was fun to make!
Here are some other examples I found for you just in case you want to pick up a foam head and have a little fun. I think if I had daughters, they would have been sitting right along with me crafting and creating.
Here are some other fun inspirations I found for crafting with Foam heads.
1. Craft booth display by Poofcheeks
2. Chalkboard hat display by Tatertotsandjello
3. Hat and jewelry display by Lolly jane
4. Two face by Debbie Doo’s
5. School organizer display by Sugar bee
Thanks for stopping by today. If you are not a regular here, I sure would love to see you back again.
You can also take a gander at my All things Foam archives.
Last year, I did a lot of fun crafts with Flora Craft and the make it fun team.
Well I must say this is an original idea not boring at all all my gosh who would’ve thought you could do that with a foam head and it’s so cool I bet both of them love that
Very creative and a cute idea! I remember the days with my kids and marching band. We had some good times! I know a blogger who used one of these forms recently for Breast Cancer Awareness and it turned out really neat too. It never occurred to me to try one of these for a creative project!
What a cool idea, Debbie! I love how you can pin on phrases, messages, etc., and change it up for each son. It could be messages of encouragement, praise, chores to do, etc. Thank you!
Thank you Sharon! That’s a great idea too. I have to go print some more out.
Cute idea, Debbie! I never would have thought to use the foam head for anything other than display. Very creative!
I love that Jack totally knew what it was, and was so into it!
It’s pretty cool! Looks perfect with the boys trophies and such 🙂
Oh Wow! That looks really cool Debbie – so creative. My mom used to have those around the house when I was young to hld her wigs. Great use!
I love your ideas! I’ve bought my first head to paint but having trouble with making the surface smooth. I would like to make a 50s inspired painted fave. Please help!
Because it is foam, I am not sure how you can make it smooth. Perhaps apply Gesso on the head before hand and smooth out that way.
Hi Debbie,
Love Your ideas. I have a styrofoam Head that I sealed with Modge Podge. After it dried I used acrylic paint and this morning looked at it………and it is so blotchy 🙁
Is there a fix to this? Thanks Debbie,
I really don’t know what you can do for that. I am sorry.