Country Christmas kitchen decorating
Hi there friends! It’s taken me all day to get this post together. I had every intention to get it out this morning. I kept getting side tracked. That does not take me much these days!

I don’t have too much decor or frill this year. Just enough to get the spirit of the holiday and make us smile. I always spread our cheer on a friendly budget that most of us can achieve. Even thrift shopping you can pick up some cute napkins to make your own valances. I use Pioneer Woman napkins each year. At 4.97 for a pack of four.

My Mom and sister left on Friday and I have been sort of down in the dumps since. We had a lovely time. My Mom is doing fantastic health wise and we got to celebrate her upcoming 70th birthday. Oh what a joy! Decorating the kitchen for the holiday seemed to cheer me up.

Each passing year makes me realize and know how fast life flies by.
How quickly a day can change, and how it is so important to live your best life each and every day. I have to be honest with you all and say, the past year especially hasn’t been my best. In terms of ”business” it’s great. It’s been very successful and I built my own brand of goods on Home Pressure cooking and on Amazon. At my age that is something to hang your hat on.
I am utterly proud when I look back on it all. It is quite tough out there, and I did it, and still am!

I don’t enjoy the cooking and the recipe space of that land over there. It’s a rough crowd, very critical, jealous, and some even down right cruel. I have been lucky to have made just a few supportive friends over there. It really isn’t anything like it is on this side of things. Throughout the years I have made and connected with so many diy folks, who I now call friends.

How I even wound up over in that cooking space, is just a fluke. I was perfectly content over here, doing my stencils and fluffing around.
It started with an idea I had for the Instant Pot. From there it snowballed into this full blown brand. I have learned so much, and am so grateful for that opportunity. It’s all part of my story for sure!

I am not sure what the next few months will bring. I’m really anxious, and scared to say this, but I just don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. I am 53 years old now. Although, I have the energy most days, what are my passions? my dreams? and aspirations? I don’t know. I really need to dig deep to find them. Yes, I love coming here and sharing some crafts, and decorating ideas. But there is more, more to me and more to this thing we call life.

It’s funny because I recall about 10 years back writing a blog post similar to this one. A lot has transpired in the past decade. There were many days I loved what I did and was excited to start the day a new. I am always grateful for starting a new day. But I long for something, that I don’t what it is.

One thing I do know for certain, is that I am so happy I never let my blog here go. You know, I have been offered a buy out several times throughout the years. No amount of money was worth it to me. This is where it all began, and I have a feeling this is where it will end:)
Sorry you had to hear my ramblings. This is where I feel safe to ramble, and where I can get a lot of those conflicting feelings out. Even if not a soul was reading. The release feels good. xo

In reference to the Country Christmas kitchen let me give you a run down. My valances over the kitchen windows are of course napkins. You know how much I love my napkins. Ever year I get a new fresh set and it changes everything. I bought two packs of Pioneer Woman napkins. For the larger kitchen window, I bought one table cloth in a rectangle size and cut it down the middle to make the panels. I actually added to an existing tablecloth I had up.
Links down below: (some may be my Amazon associate affiliate)
Find my previous Pioneer Woman valances HERE.
Last years Country Kitchen decorating HERE
Winterberry Dishes HERE
Curtain clips to hang napkin valances HERE
Industrial bakers rack tutorial HERE
Thanks for popping in today! I have plenty more Christmas decor and crafts for you HERE.

Very pretty!
Thanks for sharing! I love what you do. Merry Christmas ❤️
Thank you Sandy! Merry Christmas to you too.
Yout kitchen looks beautiful, as always! Sounds like you have a lot on your mind. Hope you find the answers you are searching for, Debbie. Happy December!
Thanks Judy, I hope I get some clarity too! Thanks for stopping by. xo
Looks great Debbie! Please don’t let those cruel people get the best of you. You’re a talented and brave lady so chin up! When people are rude to you, they reveal who they are, not who you are. Blessings!
I know that Regina. I just don’t have as thick as skin anymore. Thanks for stopping over.
Your home is lovely. This has been a rough time for our family. Both my husband and I lost our moms within 10 months of each other, hell even our 17-year-old dog died. Yeah, it’s been that kind of year. Trying to keep it normal for the grandkids of course.
Awww I am so sorry Josephine. Life throws those curve balls. I know so many have hard times. That is why I say and know it is important to live our best lives we can. Thanks for stopping by.
I love what you do and your down-to-earth manner and your enthusiasm. I hope you post on this blog for a long time!
I see you have the Winterberry dishes. They are my favorite holiday dishes. I only have a few odds and ends of pieces to mix with my white everyday dishes but I love bringing them out at Christmas to celebrate the season.
Your kitchen decor with it’s Christmas additions is so charming. I especially like the way you’ve displayed the bottle brush trees–specifically the one in the red rameking. Very creative and sweet. I also love bottle brush trees.
Thanks for sharing your holiday decorations and your tho’ts on what to become when you grow up! I am 75 and still not sure what I want to be! Something having to do with art and creating, I think, for sure. Just not sure what form it will take.
Have a Blessed and Joyous Christmas, Debbie!
Naomi S.
Thank you Naomi, I guess we never do know what we want to pursue sometimes in life. I will figure it all out. I love being creative, obviously. I think something is just going to come my way, and I will know it. Thanks for your kind visit.
You’ve done it again Debbie! Love the bright napkin valances; the bright colors really add a pop of happy colors. Along with you pine cones, trees, dishes and accessories everything looks like ‘Winter/Christmas’ without all that red & green stuff people use. This look can last till you’re ready to bring out your Springtime decor. I’m glad you’re here (ramble all you want). Thank you for this post.
Thank you Carol, I am always happy to ramble. Thanks for stopping by.
Hang tough, life can be really cruel, especially some people. Be proud of yourself, you have done very well. your blog is fantastic and so is your Brand, so stand tall and enjoy.
Thank you Marty, that is so kind of you. Hope all is well with you.
Hi Debbie! Please dont ever stop blogging. In my opinion its the coziest and friendliest out there. I look forward to it and to your decorating ideas. As a grandma of 8 on a retirees budget I especially love your dollar tree ideas. This time if year can make feelings even more intense than normal. Hang in’re doing more for people than you realize. Have a wonderful Christmas!
Thank you Debby:) That means a lot. I appreciate it.
I agree with the others that posted comments Debbie. I look forward to
your emails and love watching you make your new home … a cozy home.
I think we can all agree that the world is full of unhappy, hateful people
that try to steal our joy. The happier we are the more hateful they get.
It’s rather sad, don’t you think. What are we to do? Keep the joy and
faith. Look how happy you make us. You kindness stretches all over
the country and I’m so thankful it has reached me in Pennsylvania. Wishes
to you and your family for a beautiful Christmas and a new year full of blessings.
That is is just so sweet, warm and heartfelt of you to say! I am so grateful and thankful to have you all here with me. It really does warm my heart. Thanks so much Deborah. Merry Christmas to you and your family as well!
Thanks Sandy! I appreciate your visit. Glad to inspire. Enjoy the holiday.