My husband is the ebayer of the house.
I really never gander on there too much. Mike knows what he wants and knows exactly what to look for. Well the other day I decided I wanted some grain sacks.
Just because, everyone else uses them for such cool projects. I am usually NOT a follower of these trends, and now I see why….
My FIL has some he is giving us in a few weeks, but me being the impatient person that I am…..I decided to get some of my own. For $7.00 a piece, I had not much to lose.
this is what I got. What the heck am I going to do with these?
I love the colors, I love that they are from Columbia, they smell like coffee too. However, they are really, really stiff, and hard.
They almost feel like nylon grain sacks, if that makes sense.
Moral of the story…NO more ebay for me.
But what can I do with them? Did I mention they are very large?
Help with some ideas, I would love to use them.
Hmmm…I got nothin', but you are very creative and I have faith in you that you will think of something.
Be sure to stop by this week to enter my giveaway.
Have a great holiday weekend! La
Debbie, I had some coffee bags that I washed, dried and ironed (because they got very wrinkled) then I used one to cover the bottom of a simple chair. The color of the print did fade some, but at least they were softer. Any who, that's what I did.
I think they'd go right out to my patio!
Hi Debbie, How bout making one into a cool outdoor rug, seeing they are kinda stiff they would probably be great outside! Can't wait to see what you come up with!
so they are not burlap?
I've done several things with mine; covered my dining chairs, made cushions, window coverings, closet curtains.
You will come up with something amazing, I'm sure.
If you want to pay for the shipping, I can send you as many burlap coffee sacks as you can use.
O' when you get tired of your valance and new table cloth, these would make great valance and cafe curtains with roosters stenciled along the bottoms, or make Lucy a large fluffy dawg bed,or cut so as those beautiful colorful stripes would show on the top of some great different shaped throw pillows,WHAT EVER you decide please share some more of your creativity, you never disappoint.I think there awesome!
Hey type in google search,WHAT CAN I DO WITH LARGE COFFEE SACKS????
washing and soaking in the tub with downy would soften them.. If they were mine I'd make a valance for my patio windows and a table runner with them.. 🙂 good luck
Frame them.
I have a great big hobo purse made out of a grain sack and I love it to tote to the beach and on big shopping trips. Sew yourself one up!!! ;-D
If they smell good like coffee…put up a couple of little hooks and hang one in your kitchen or the entrance into your kitchen! I just finished reading your article in Country Woman and it was great! You even worked your personality and fun sense of humor into it…with the spray paint! I would frame this article! heehee! ♥
I would definitely frame them if they are that stiff. I love the comment about making them into a rug. I know you can find a tutorial on that on line.
I say use them in the bottom of those planters that hang from a deck rail. I think I saw them on your deck. Once you fill them with dirt the water can drain through. Or gift them to someone you hate. LOL (hope that's not me)
Debbie I like Kim's idea on framing them.I think they would look great! Martina
How's about creating two fun pillows for those wonderful chairs you have about by the firepit. Either for you back or for a foot prop……mmmm…let's see….what else can I think up……I'll be back….
You can soak them in a big sink full of almost pure fabric softner..for a day or so. I have even done this with rope that had hardened.
What you have are REAL sacks. The ones they use for REAL working purposes. I love the graphics on them. Can you use it as a wall hanging on a patio (if it is too big to use inside)? Or…if you have visitors coming that you don't want to stay too long you could always use it as a top sheet…just a thought- xo Diana
Well, you could sell them on EBay for $10 a piece! LOL I'm sorry I couldn't resist. I'm with Kim, frame them, I think they would look great!
Have you seen the tutorials on turning table cloths or pieces of cloths into throw rugs? You could probably do the same with these sacks….the tutorial is really easy like a 30 min project….let me know if you need a link to it and i'll send your way
I think they would make a great framed piece or floor mat.Or put the back on Ebay,, let soem onee else figure them out,, I like the out door cushions at the firepit though,,
what about a bulletin board of some type.
Wall hanging~ artwork. Bulletin board? Miss Mustard Seed wrote about grain sacks here:
I agree with the bulletin board ideas!
ok several of my ideas were shared but I would do a rug, or table cloth or runner. Also if you could turn them into curtains with some stencils I think that would adorable. Can't wait to see what you come up with!
Lumbar pillows!
I would make them into place mats. You could just cut them a little larger than needed and fray the edges for a fringe.
When I was at the furniture market in the spring, we saw one company that used the bags as pillow shams and as totes. They did, however, use actual burlap bags. But this more modern version of yours would be ideally suited for outdoor use! So I say run with it and create some outdoor seating and decorative pillows for your deck and/or porch. They won't rot, and with a fill encased in a nice plastic cover- they'll last for a long, long time! Just a thought! :-0 Sue
How about cutting them into a long runner and fray the edges. I saw on some blog where they made a burlap wreath, it was really cute. YOu could make burlap flowers there's a tutorial of this on utube.
Sorry Debbie but I'm no help. I've never bought any grain sacks and don't think I ever would. Miss Mustard Seed uses them to actually upholster furniture but I have no idea how they hold up. Good luck girl! I use eBay occasionally…I used to buy beads there all the time. Don't give up on it because you can get some really great things…
How about window shades? Or a bench? I really like the colors in them. They would be cool as little throw rugs too.
I saw the CUTEST Grain sack cart Liners @ a flea market once! (You know the ones granny uses when she walks down to the corner store) It was too stinkin' cute! Here is a sorta' kinda pict. here at this site…
Check it out..Meliss
I have seen them made into a mat for the kitchen somewhere on the web;o) or you could make cushions for the deck, maybe frame them and make a noticeboard. Padded they could make a good dog bed.
Clearly they cry to be "rugs". I'm slow to comment but it WAS my first response (as it was many others').
How about some covering cushions for outdoor furniture? If they're nylon-y (not burlap-y) then they may be more weather (rain) resistant??
Hugs ~~ Suz
I think they are neat. I would cut them in half and make them into pillows. I am sure someone else above has already said that or it may be just a bit too ordinary but that's as creative as I get. I think they would make great smaller throw pillows and you could easily get four out of them. The stamping on them seems to line up perfectly two! Or you could stuff them full of coffee beans again and turn your dining room bar into a coffee bar! LOL!
Hi Debbie,
They are great looking sacks. Why not cover the seat of a small chair or make them into pillows for your deck. The blue matches the blues that you have outside! I also like the pillow sham idea.
Marianne 🙂
My first thought was rug, too. Or go the opposite way and make a covering of sorts to offer some shade when you're sitting outside. Four posts and the sacks over it, and voila!
Maybe a rustic shower curtain, though I'm not sure if that would give off some weird smell from the dampness.
Tracy Screaming Sardine
How about stretching it over a canvas or frame to make a picture of it for outside, if you have the room for it that is:) There great and I know you think of the nestest thing!
I just bought one at a local flea market, they told me to just spray it with the hose and hang it out to dry to get the coffee smell out of it…going to try that today. I was going to use it to upholster a bench but I really like the bulletin board idea!
I don't have a single clue but I know you so well and YOU will end up coming up with something to impress us.
I'm voting for turning them into a dress, you could start a new fashion trend. Did you ever see the I Love Lucy episode where they're in Paris and Ethel and Lucy think they're getting expensive designer dresses but actually Fred and Ricky had someone make them out of potato sacks.
I know you probably said but I didn't catch what time your linky will go up for the copy cat….
I have mine all ready..:)
xo bj
Hi Debbie Dear! Wow, those are bigguns! I wonder if you washed them if they would soften up? If they didn't fall apart first! No, no, Nannette, I didn't say that! 🙂
Be a sweetie,
Shelia 😉
I covered foam and attached it to a small side table and now it's an ottoman! Cover footstoold, buttetin boards, pillows…lotta options!
If you stitch them together you could cover a headboard with them. You may need to open them up. Or a memo board would be good. I have one just framed in an ornate frame for contrast.
hi debbie..I have done a bolster out of sack..posted in my blog pls check…..
I hope u will like it..
Don't give up on ebay!!