BURLAP projects, painting furniture, vintage holiday decor, DIY artwork, Home decor, vignettes and more!
Great Newbie party this week!
I really enjoyed looking through all your lovely posts.
Such a talented group! It really is difficult to narrow down my features.
I really enjoyed looking through all your lovely posts.
Such a talented group! It really is difficult to narrow down my features.
So many wonderful holiday ideas, trees, wreaths and Christmas cheer!
{Herballistic garden}
{Balanced style}
I thank each and everyone of you for joining my Newbie party each week.
Have a wonderful weekend!
I am betting today a lot of you are running around like chickens with their heads cut off.
{who ever came up with that saying, it’s a little disturbing}
I have a few new buttons in the works.
My dear friend Carol {The polka dot closet} made them for me, and I thank her.
Now I just have to add the html, and I am good to go.
Feel free to grab one and just link it in your html gadget…we should all know how to do that by now.
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