Spring has now Sprung for most of us.
Sneezing my head off and blooms are in full around here!
Started our Spring clean up as well!
One thing I do even throughout the winter is try to keep up with the raking of leaves, cleaning the deck, and even the windows.
You would never know it, half the time looking out of them.
But I do try to keep up, that way it is less work for us come now.
I am just going to share some pretty pics in between here.
There is random color bursting in our woods. I have never seen that before.
Nor have I ever seen yellow jasmine, just climbing all up and down the trees, that I certainly did not plant.
It is even high above in the branches…
Today we bought 15 bags of Pine nuggets for our front beds. The rest of the area I do pine needles. I like the texture combination. How about you?What do you use?
Trying my hand out at some knock out roses this year. Any tips would be greatly appreciated!
Speaking of tips…
What are your favorite spring cleaning tips?
Please visit the blogher life well lived on Spring Cleaning tips in 10 minutes
Please go enter the Life well lived Sweepstakes going on now
Please go enter the Life well lived Sweepstakes going on now
Hi Debbie!
I also did this “LWL” post this week! It was a fun topic. I love your garden and woodsy backyard.
I just returned from a week in Colorado where i was visiting for my youngest grandson’s first birthday and my daughter’s bridal shower is this weekend –busy times! I appreciated reading Alicia’s 10 minute Spring Cleaning tips as I need to organize myself in small intervals this year. My biggest chore is the wardrobe switch as we have small closets in my city house.
I love your new blog site! Best of luck with it!
Looks like you are getting the start on a beautiful yard. Enjoy it. I know all the hard work will be worth it.
We’ve been working in the yard a lot. Normally we put pine straw down but this year we switched to Scott’s Naturescapes. I LOVE the way it looks in the yard. We’re almost finished.
I tidied up the yard the other day a bit. I picked up trash that had blown in/washed in over the winter. I tossed some old stuff that had just wound up in the yard. It looks so much better and only took a few minutes.
I’ve been doing lots of yard work too..getting ready for the grad party. We use bark mulch but I loved the look of the pine needles when we were down South! I started knock out roses last year and just leave them…they are thriving w/ no maintenance and getting huge too. I cut the flowers for vases. They are so pretty and easy.