Hello, hello there!
Today, I am excited to share with you, that there will be
21 free printables
a month for you to enjoy, print, frame, gift or whatever you may like.
I have teamed up with seven other fellow bloggers that
will be contributing their printables as well.
{You’ll find out Monday who they are:)}
We each will be sharing them on our blogs and contributing 3 each
which in turn will be 21 Total…they will be linked up like a linky party on each of our blogs, so whomever you follow, you will see them all there as well.
I love creating these free printables as it really brings out the inner
graphic creativeness in me.
You may follow my Free Printable board as well and feel free to scroll through my side bar for more.
See you back on Monday when you have all 21 at your fingertips.
Also Saturday
Ann On sutton place and I will be hosting our first
Pinterest Blitz party
It’s going to be a blitzen time!

Please check out my GALLERY ON MY SIDEBAR and you will see the FREE PRINTABLES for June and JULY
Cool! I love free printables, Debbie!
I’m constantly pinning free printables, and I have yet to print one. I have several from here. I need to get with the program. (And now I have “You’re So Vain” stuck in my head.)
Hi Debbiedoo,
I love your blog! There are many that I look at but when I see a post from you, I go to it first. I just get so excited I can hardly stand it. I am about to join the ranks of the blog world and I just hope that I can be half as creative and interesting as you are. Thanks for all the inspiration!
Have a great weekend,
Thank you so much, very kind of you to say Lydianne, and I wish you well in your new venture!~
Now I have the song “you’re so vain” in my head! Love all these printables and I’m pinning them to my Free Printables board on Pinterest!